Second advent library

Second advent library

Second advent library


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`cnals'r's slcomzo comma. 245ness then, are now rejoicing in the light of God's bookAnd much of this has been performedthrou h the in~ltrumentality of Bible societies, and not orgy throuvhthe agency of the church, but political men, men of theworld, the great men, merchants of the earth and thosewho trade in ships, all who live under the influence ofthe gospel, the " kingdom of heaven," have engaged inthe work. Will not the most skeptical acknovnedge,that thissociet? has succeeded beyond the most sanguineoexpectation its most ardent advocates? And is notthis strong circumstantial evidence that the Bridegroomis_near, even at the door?3d. The missionary societies of all sects and denominations,which have been established within forty years,have as far exceeded all former exertions of this kind asthe overflowing Nile does the waters of the brook Kidron.See the missionary spirit extending from east towest, and from north to south, wamiing the breast ofthephilanthropist, giving life and vigor to the cold-heartedmoralist, and animating and enlivening the social circleof the pious devotee. Every nation, from India toOrego from Kamtschatka to New Zealand, have beenvisitednhy these wise servants (as we hope) of the cross,proclaiming " the acceptable year of the Lord, and theday of vengeance of our God,carrying the lamp, theaith in God, inword of God in their hands, and oil,their hearts. All classes of men are engaged in thiscause, from the gray 'hairs of old age down to thesprightly youth of ten years. Who, then, can doubt butthat the virgins in this sense have and aretheir lamps, and the bride is makingtrimmingherself .ready"Go ye out to meet him."4th. The Sabbath schools and Bible classes are but amof the fulfilment of the parable, yet clearlyan eviethatthe virgins are now trimming their lamps.This system of teaching the young and ignorant took itsrise between forty and fifty years since, at the very timethat the Christian world werepraying, and ardentlyEying, for the coming of Christ, before that part of thevior s rayer was "orgotten, Thy kingdom come."this stream of water has be-from aiittlegiioignmin

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