Second advent library

Second advent library

Second advent library


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_ Oycmns~r's sncoim comme. 167,chapter. Again: we are expressly told that no mancould learn t.he new song, but those who are redeemedhom the earth, Rev. xiv. 3. And redemption from theearth is no where spoken of until the resurrection ofthebody. Christ says, in Luke xxi. 27, 28, " And then shalltheiy see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with powerangreato . Andwhen the e thi b int c eto pass, thgn xlyookgoiilrgllesi, fog yiiilirup, and litt ifredemption draweth nigh." Ami) _aul says, Rom._ viii.23, "Even we ourselves groan within ourselves, for the waitingadoption, to wit, t.he redemption of our bodies.ilzstihis state tahey can sipg, "For thou wast slain, andre eeme us to G by thy blood, out of everykindred, and tongue, and people, and nation." It is alsoIholy song; for they cry, " and rest not day and night,laying, Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, which was,church in this state are:fig :lnilistio c;me."b Thef o y ~ ey ave ut a aint view of the holinessof God's chai-acter, his law orgovemment; neither couldthey endure the sight; for when God has seen 'dt to reyeala small part of his holiness,men have fainted underli: Isaiah cried out, " Woe is me." Ezekiel fell uponlll-S face, Ezek. i. 28. Daniel's comeliness was tumedinto corruption,so that he retained no strength, Dan.LS.Therefore it is evident that this holy song cangill; lie sung in a state of lmmvlortality, wheinhwpshallev na Godis h l . hisnewan o sonV111 not; cei.se,i`or they r¢;t? not day night,ywhic§andl"'0v8s it to be in the etemal state. And the dress and"Owns of the elders, "clothed in white raiment," andthey had on their heads " crowns of gold," and they"Cut their crowns before the throne, saying, Thou art:'"°'U'|y,O Lord, tal receive glory, and honor, and power"after the secon -Eproves that e new song is sung°0U1iIlg of our Lord Jesus Christ.; for Paul tells us, thatlcrown is laid up for him which the'hill give riglhteous Judgehim atthat day; and not only_ 'm, but to allUlem also that love his appearing. So neither the eldersMr the beasts cansing this new song until the NewJefusalem is formed, eir bodies redeemed fiom theOuth, and they brought into the etemal state of theA

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