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Second advent library

Second advent library


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RQ8ghdvdrgn'ucruas xxx.onl ,but that also he should gatherof God that were scattered together a road."in one theJohn xi.This evidence was well understood among the rulersof the Jews; yetnotwithstandirig all this scripture wasfulfilled before their faces, and l these signswere actuallyaccomplished in the short space of thirty-tive years,and u. cloud of witnesses testifying to all these facts, andthey themselves had to`conseuttl1at. notable miracles hadbeen done, they believed not. Well my ou say, dearhearcr, that they deserved wrath, and og wasjust indestro ing their nation and place. But. how is it withus? £0 we believe in that word which we blame themtiur rejecting? Are we clear of the sin of unbelief? TheJews were looking for atemporal king and kingdom.And are not welooking for a temporal millennium-onein which the Christians will have the rule of the world?Let us see to it that we do not stumble at the same stum-have carnal notions asbling-stone; possibly we maywell asthey. Therefore, let us inquire,ll. What signs are now fulfilling, which are given nsby Christ, the prophets, or apostles, of his second comingand glorious reign? And,1. Christ tells us, Matt. xxiv. 14, " This gospel of thekingdom shall be preached in a.ll the world as a witness,and then shall the end come." Is not this sign alreadaccomplished ? Bible translated into more than 200ferent languages; missionaries sent among all thetions known to us onthe globe, and reformation succegdimg reformation in every town, nook or comer in thisland. The gospel has now spreadover the four quartersof the globe. It be n in Asia. In the apostles'days, that quarter tgll was of light. From thence itwent into Africa.; and, for a number of centuries, Africa_stretched out her hands unto God.too, has hada long Eurotpe, visitation of gospel blessings; an now America,the lastgarter of the is reapinga harvest ofsouls 'globe,for e last day. he gospel, like the sun, aroseinéhel east, and willand last re''he pouring segfiphthiiwfstéout e o pirit,°f We Dwi

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