Second advent library

Second advent library

Second advent library


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, 13.-Here'12'head' had been wounded to death by thepretendedor real conversion of the LatinKings, and which ecclesiastical head washealed in the establishment of another blasphemoushead under Papacy,an image,erect and bloody, equally supported by the'civil power, asthe former Pagan Rome.And he doeth great wonders, so that hemaketh tire come down' from heaven on the earth inthe sight of men.we have described the miraclesto have.which Papal Rome would pretendpower to perform in public, to deceive themultitude, and make men worshipas theRoman Papal power might direct.14. And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth bythe means of those miracles which he_had power todo in the sight of the beast; to t ern 'thatdwell~on the earth, that they saying shoul make an image toa sword _and didgre beast which had the wound byve.We are here told the object of this power:to deceive those who dwell on theearth, bymeans of those miracles whichhe pretended to have power to -do, in thepresence of the civil power; and by soto cause the citizens of Rome and thedoingsubjects of that kingdom tovgive the samepower, both civiland ecclesiastical, to -Pa-

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