Second advent library

Second advent library

Second advent library


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u:c-rua:`'60,iv.others, with astrong faith that they should see the consolation of Israel.B this text the high priest convinced the councilof the necessity of putting to death Jesus. "Thengathered the chief priests and Pharisees a council,and said, What do we ? for this man doth many miracles.If we let him thus alone, all men will believe onhim; and the Romans will come, and take away bothour place and nation.""And one oi' them, named Caiaphas, being high priestthat same year, said unto them, Ye know nothing at all,nor consider that it is expedient for us that one manshould die for thepeziple, and that the whole nation per~ish not. And this speif not of his ownpro ecy; but, being hig priest thlimselt] (ript at year, e prosied)h(frou2 he-Daniel's seventy weeks; for there ispnotanother prophecy in the Old Testament which showswhat year Christ should suffer) that Jesus should diefor that nation; and not for that nation only, butalso, he should gather together in one the childrenthat;oGod, that were scattered abroad," John xi. 47-53.The high priest argues that Jesus must die for thepeo'lphe le.seventy weeks shows that the Messiah must becut off at the close ofthe last week, and not for himselflAlso Peter had occasion to say in his epistle, " Of whichsalvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently,who prophesied of the grace that should comeunto you, searching what, or what manner of time, thespirit of Christ, which was in them, did when ittestiiied beforehand the sufferings sigpify, of C t and theglory that should follow," 1 Peter i. 10, 11.Where was the exact time of Christ's suferingsprophesied of but in Daniel's seventy weeks? Again,to this Christ alludes when he says," My time is not etfully come ;" and, "Then they song: to take him, gutno man laid hands on him, because hour was not*yet ul~comez" that»is, the seventy weeks were not yetMark tells us, xiv. 41, "Thafilled, John vii. 8, 30.hour is come; behold, the Son of Mm is betrayedinto the hands of sinners."

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