Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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HIGHER-ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS◮Solved 2 ydx − 3 dy2 dx +2y =2e−x , (15.33)subject to the boundary conditions y(0) = 2, y ′ (0) = 1.Taking the Laplace trans<strong>for</strong>m of (15.33) <strong>and</strong> using the table of st<strong>and</strong>ard results we obtains 2 ȳ(s) − sy(0) − y ′ (0) − 3 [sȳ(s) − y(0)] +2ȳ(s) = 2s +1 ,which reduces to(s 2 − 3s +2)ȳ(s) − 2s +5= 2s +1 . (15.34)Solving this algebraic equation <strong>for</strong> ȳ(s), the Laplace trans<strong>for</strong>m of the required solution to(15.33), we obtain2s 2 − 3s − 3ȳ(s) =(s +1)(s − 1)(s − 2) = 13(s +1) + 2s − 1 − 13(s − 2) , (15.35)where in the final step we have used partial fractions. Taking the inverse Laplace trans<strong>for</strong>mof (15.35), again using table 13.1, we find the specific solution to (15.33) to bey(x) = 1 3 e−x +2e x − 1 3 e2x . ◭Note that if the boundary conditions in a problem are given as symbols, ratherthan just numbers, then the step involving partial fractions can often involvea considerable amount of algebra. The Laplace trans<strong>for</strong>m method is also veryconvenient <strong>for</strong> solving sets of simultaneous linear ODEs with constant coefficients.◮Two electrical circuits, both of negligible resistance, each consist of a coil having selfinductanceL <strong>and</strong> a capacitor having capacitance C. The mutual inductance of the twocircuits is M. There is no source of e.m.f. in either circuit. Initially the second capacitoris given a charge CV 0 , the first capacitor being uncharged, <strong>and</strong> at time t =0aswitchinthe second circuit is closed to complete the circuit. Find the subsequent current in the firstcircuit.Subject to the initial conditions q 1 (0) = ˙q 1 (0) = ˙q 2 (0) = 0 <strong>and</strong> q 2 (0) = CV 0 = V 0 /G, say,we have to solveL¨q 1 + M¨q 2 + Gq 1 =0,M¨q 1 + L¨q 2 + Gq 2 =0.On taking the Laplace trans<strong>for</strong>m of the above equations, we obtain(Ls 2 + G)¯q 1 + Ms 2¯q 2 = sMV 0 C,Ms 2¯q 1 +(Ls 2 + G)¯q 2 = sLV 0 C.Eliminating ¯q 2 <strong>and</strong> rewriting as an equation <strong>for</strong> ¯q 1 , we findMV 0 s¯q 1 (s) =[(L + M)s 2 + G ][(L − M)s 2 + G ]= V []0 (L + M)s (L − M)s− .2G (L + M)s 2 + G (L − M)s 2 + G502

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