Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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SERIES SOLUTIONS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSBy dem<strong>and</strong>ing that the coefficients of each power of z vanish separately, we obtain thethree-term recurrence relation(n +2)a n+2 − 2na n+1 +(n − 2)a n =0 <strong>for</strong>n ≥ 0,which determines a n <strong>for</strong> n ≥ 2intermsofa 0 <strong>and</strong> a 1 . Three-term (or more) recurrencerelations are a nuisance <strong>and</strong>, in general, can be difficult to solve. This particular recurrencerelation, however, has two straight<strong>for</strong>ward solutions. One solution is a n = a 0 <strong>for</strong> all n, inwhich case (choosing a 0 = 1) we findy 1 (z) =1+z + z 2 + z 3 + ···= 11 − z .The other solution to the recurrence relation is a 1 = −2a 0 , a 2 = a 0 <strong>and</strong> a n =0<strong>for</strong>n>2,so that (again choosing a 0 =1)weobtainapolynomial solution to the ODE:y 2 (z) =1− 2z + z 2 =(1− z) 2 .The linear independence of y 1 <strong>and</strong> y 2 is obvious but can be checked by computing theWronskianW = y 1 y 2 ′ − y 1y ′ 2 = 11 − z [−2(1 − z)] − 1(1 − z) (1 − 2 z)2 = −3.Since W ≠ 0, the two solutions y 1 <strong>and</strong> y 2 are indeed linearly independent. The generalsolution of the ODE is there<strong>for</strong>ey(z) = c 11 − z + c 2(1 − z) 2 .We observe that y 1 (<strong>and</strong> hence the general solution) is singular at z =1,whichisthesingular point of the ODE nearest to z = 0, but the polynomial solution, y 2 , is valid <strong>for</strong>all finite z. ◭The above example illustrates the possibility that, in some cases, we may findthat the recurrence relation leads to a n =0<strong>for</strong>n>N, <strong>for</strong> one or both of thetwo solutions; we then obtain a polynomial solution to the equation. Polynomialsolutions are discussed more fully in section 16.5, but one obvious property ofsuch solutions is that they converge <strong>for</strong> all finite z. By contrast, as mentionedabove, <strong>for</strong> solutions in the <strong>for</strong>m of an infinite series the circle of convergenceextends only as far as the singular point nearest to that about which the solutionis being obtained.16.3 Series solutions about a regular singular pointFrom table 16.1 we see that several of the most important second-order linearODEs in physics <strong>and</strong> engineering have regular singular points in the finite complexplane. We must extend our discussion, there<strong>for</strong>e, to obtaining series solutions toODEs about such points. In what follows we assume that the regular singularpoint about which the solution is required is at z = 0, since, as we have seen, ifthis is not already the case then a substitution of the <strong>for</strong>m Z = z − z 0 will makeit so.If z = 0 is a regular singular point of the equationy ′′ + p(z)y ′ + q(z)y =0538

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