Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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10.11 EXERCISES10.6 Prove that <strong>for</strong> a space curve r = r(s), where s is the arc length measured alongthe curve from a fixed point, the triple scalar product( ) drds × d2 r· d3 rds 2 ds 3at any point on the curve has the value κ 2 τ,whereκ is the curvature <strong>and</strong> τ thetorsion at that point.10.7 For the twisted space curve y 3 +27axz − 81a 2 y = 0, given parametrically byx = au(3 − u 2 ), y =3au 2 , z = au(3 + u 2 ),show that the following hold:(a) ds/du =3 √ 2a(1 + u 2 ), where s is the distance along the curve measured fromthe origin;(b) the length of the curve from the origin to the Cartesian point (2a, 3a, 4a) is4 √ 2a;(c) the radius of curvature at the point with parameter u is 3a(1 + u 2 ) 2 ;(d) the torsion τ <strong>and</strong> curvature κ at a general point are equal;(e) any of the Frenet–Serret <strong>for</strong>mulae that you have not already used directlyare satisfied.10.8 The shape of the curving slip road joining two motorways, that cross at rightangles <strong>and</strong> are at vertical heights z =0<strong>and</strong>z = h, can be approximated by thespace curve√2hr =π( zπ)√2hln cos i +2h π( zπ)ln sin j + zk.2hShow that the radius of curvature ρ of the slip road is (2h/π)cosec (zπ/h) atheight z <strong>and</strong> that the torsion τ = −1/ρ. To shorten the algebra, set z =2hθ/π<strong>and</strong> use θ as the parameter.10.9 In a magnetic field, field lines are curves to which the magnetic induction B iseverywhere tangential. By evaluating dB/ds, wheres is the distance measuredalong a field line, prove that the radius of curvature at any point on a line isgiven byB 3ρ =|B × (B · ∇)B| .10.10 Find the areas of the given surfaces using parametric coordinates.(a) Using the parameterisation x = u cos φ, y = u sin φ, z = u cot Ω, find thesloping surface area of a right circular cone of semi-angle Ω whose base hasradius a. Verifythatitisequalto 1 ×perimeter of the base ×slope height.2(b) Using the same parameterization as in (a) <strong>for</strong> x <strong>and</strong> y, <strong>and</strong> an appropriatechoice <strong>for</strong> z, find the surface area between the planes z =0<strong>and</strong>z = Z ofthe paraboloid of revolution z = α(x 2 + y 2 ).10.11 Parameterising the hyperboloidx 2a + y22 b − z22 c =1 2by x = a cos θ sec φ, y = b sin θ sec φ, z = c tan φ, show that an area element onits surface isdS =sec 2 φ [ c 2 sec 2 φ ( b 2 cos 2 θ + a 2 sin 2 θ ) + a 2 b 2 tan 2 φ ] 1/2dθ dφ.371

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