Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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24.11 TAYLOR AND LAURENT SERIESFurther, it may be proved by induction that the nth derivative of f(z) is alsogiven by a Cauchy integral,f (n) (z 0 )= n! ∮f(z) dz. (24.48)2πi C (z − z 0 )n+1Thus, if the value of the analytic function is known on C then not only may thevalue of the function at any interior point be calculated, but also the values ofall its derivatives.The observant reader will notice that (24.48) may also be obtained by the<strong>for</strong>mal device of differentiating under the integral sign with respect to z 0 inCauchy’s integral <strong>for</strong>mula (24.46):f (n) (z 0 )= 1 ∮∂ n [ ] f(z)dz2πi (z − z 0 )= n!2πi∮C ∂z0nCf(z) dz(z − z 0 ) n+1 .◮Suppose that f(z) is analytic inside <strong>and</strong> on a circle C of radius R centred on the pointz = z 0 .If|f(z)| ≤M on the circle, where M is some constant, show that|f (n) (z 0 )|≤ Mn!R . (24.49)nFrom (24.48) we have|f (n) (z 0 )| = n!∮2π ∣<strong>and</strong> on using (24.39) this becomes|f (n) (z 0 )|≤ n! M2π RThis result is known as Cauchy’s inequality. ◭Cf(z) dz(z − z 0 ) n+1 ∣ ∣∣∣,Mn!2πR =n+1R . nWe may use Cauchy’s inequality to prove Liouville’s theorem, which states thatif f(z) is analytic <strong>and</strong> bounded <strong>for</strong> all z then f is a constant. Setting n =1in(24.49) <strong>and</strong> letting R →∞, we find |f ′ (z 0 )| =0<strong>and</strong>hencef ′ (z 0 ) = 0. Since f(z) isanalytic <strong>for</strong> all z, wemaytakez 0 as any point in the z-plane <strong>and</strong> thus f ′ (z) =0<strong>for</strong> all z; this implies f(z) = constant. Liouville’s theorem may be used in turn toprove the fundamental theorem of algebra (see exercise 24.9).24.11 Taylor <strong>and</strong> Laurent seriesFollowing on from (24.48), we may establish Taylor’s theorem <strong>for</strong>functionsofacomplex variable. If f(z) is analytic inside <strong>and</strong> on a circle C of radius R centredon the point z = z 0 ,<strong>and</strong>z is a point inside C, then∞∑f(z) = a n (z − z 0 ) n , (24.50)n=0853

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