Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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REPRESENTATION THEORYy 3x 3y 1y2x 1x 2Figure 29.5An equilateral array of masses <strong>and</strong> springs.29.11.3 Degeneracy of normal modesAs our final area <strong>for</strong> illustrating the usefulness of group theoretical results weconsider the normal modes of a vibrating system (see chapter 9). This analysishas far-reaching applications in physics, chemistry <strong>and</strong> engineering. For a givensystem, normal modes that are related by some symmetry operation have the samefrequency of vibration; the modes are said to be degenerate. It can be shown thatsuch modes span a vector space that trans<strong>for</strong>ms according to some irrep of thegroup G of symmetry operations of the system. Moreover, the degeneracy ofthe modes equals the dimension of the irrep. As an illustration, we consider thefollowing example.◮Investigate the possible vibrational modes of the equilateral triangular arrangement ofequal masses <strong>and</strong> springs shown in figure 29.5. Demonstrate that two are degenerate.Clearly the symmetry group is that of the symmetry operations on an equilateral triangle,namely 3m (or C 3v ), whose character table is table 29.1. As on a previous occasion, it ismost convenient to use the natural representation D nat of this group (it almost alwayssaves having to write out matrices explicitly) acting on the six-dimensional vector space(x 1 , y 1 , x 2 , y 2 , x 3 , y 3 ). In this example the natural <strong>and</strong> regular representations coincide, butthis is not usually the case.We note that in table 29.1 the second class contains the rotations A (by π/3) <strong>and</strong> B (by2π/3), also known as R <strong>and</strong> R ′ . This class is known as 3 z in crystallographic notation, orC 3 in chemical notation, as explained in section 29.9. The third class contains C, D, E, thethree mirror reflections.Clearly χ(I) = 6. Since all position labels are changed by a rotation, χ(3 z )=0.Forthemirror reflections the simplest representative class member to choose is the reflection m y inthe plane containing the y 3 -axis, since then only label 3 is unchanged; under m y , x 3 →−x 3<strong>and</strong> y 3 → y 3 , leading to the conclusion that χ(m y ) = 0. Thus the character set is 6, 0, 0.Using (29.18) <strong>and</strong> the character table 29.1 shows thatD nat =A 1 ⊕ A 2 ⊕ 2E.1110

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