Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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30.13 GENERATING FUNCTIONS FOR JOINT DISTRIBUTIONSAs would be expected, X is uncorrelated with either W or Y , colour <strong>and</strong> face-value beingtwo independent characteristics. Positive correlations are to be expected between W <strong>and</strong>Y <strong>and</strong> between X <strong>and</strong> Z; both correlations are fairly strong. Moderate anticorrelationsexist between Z <strong>and</strong> both W <strong>and</strong> Y , reflecting the fact that it is impossible <strong>for</strong> W <strong>and</strong> Yto be positive if Z is positive. ◭Finally, let us suppose that the r<strong>and</strong>om variables X i , i =1, 2,...,n, are relatedto a second set of r<strong>and</strong>om variables Y k = Y k (X 1 ,X 2 ,...,X n ), k =1, 2,...,m.Byexp<strong>and</strong>ing each Y k as a Taylor series as in (30.137) <strong>and</strong> inserting the resultingexpressions into the definition of the covariance (30.133), we find that the elementsof the covariance matrix <strong>for</strong> the Y k variables are given byCov[Y k ,Y l ] ≈ ∑ ∑( )( )∂Yk ∂YlCov[X i ,X j ].∂Xi j i ∂X j(30.140)It is straight<strong>for</strong>ward to show that this relation is exact if the Y k are linearcombinations of the X i . Equation (30.140) can then be written in matrix <strong>for</strong>m asV Y = SV X S T , (30.141)where V Y <strong>and</strong> V X are the covariance matrices of the Y k <strong>and</strong> X i variables respectively<strong>and</strong> S is the rectangular m × n matrix with elements S ki = ∂Y k /∂X i .30.13 Generating functions <strong>for</strong> joint distributionsIt is straight<strong>for</strong>ward to generalise the discussion of generating function in section30.7 to joint distributions. For a multivariate distribution f(X 1 ,X 2 ,...,X n ) ofnon-negative integer r<strong>and</strong>om variables X i , i =1, 2,...,n, we define the probabilitygenerating function to beΦ(t 1 ,t 2 ,...,t n )=E[t X11 tX2 2 ···tXn n ].As in the single-variable case, we may also define the closely related momentgenerating function, which has wider applicability since it is not restricted tonon-negative integer r<strong>and</strong>om variables but can be used with any set of discreteor continuous r<strong>and</strong>om variables X i (i =1, 2,...,n). The MGF of the multivariatedistribution f(X 1 ,X 2 ,...,X n ) is defined asM(t 1 ,t 2 ,...,t n )=E[e t1X1 e t2X2 ···e tnXn ]=E[e t1X1+t2X2+···+tnXn ](30.142)<strong>and</strong> may be used to evaluate (joint) moments of f(X 1 ,X 2 ,...,X n ). By per<strong>for</strong>minga derivation analogous to that presented <strong>for</strong> the single-variable case in subsection30.7.2, it can be shown that∂m1+m2+···+mn M(0, 0,...,0)E[X m11 Xm2 2···Xn mn]= . (30.143)∂t m11 ∂tm2 2 ···∂tmn n1205

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