Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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5.9 STATIONARY VALUES UNDER CONSTRAINTSwhere the a r are coefficients dependent upon ∆x. Substituting this into (5.26), wefind∑∆f = 1 2 ∆xT M∆x = 1 2λ r a 2 r .Now, <strong>for</strong> the stationary point to be a minimum, we require ∆f = 1 ∑2 r λ ra 2 r > 0<strong>for</strong> all sets of values of the a r , <strong>and</strong> there<strong>for</strong>e all the eigenvalues of M to begreater than zero. Conversely, <strong>for</strong> a maximum we require ∆f = 1 ∑2 r λ ra 2 r < 0,<strong>and</strong> there<strong>for</strong>e all the eigenvalues of M to be less than zero. If the eigenvalues havemixed signs, then we have a saddle point. Note that the test may fail if some orall of the eigenvalues are equal to zero <strong>and</strong> all the non-zero ones have the samesign.◮Derive the conditions <strong>for</strong> maxima, minima <strong>and</strong> saddle points <strong>for</strong> a function of two realvariables, using the above analysis.For a two-variable function the matrix M is given by( )fxx fM =xy.f yx f yyThere<strong>for</strong>e its eigenvalues satisfy the equation∣ f xx − λ f xyf xy f yy − λ ∣ =0.Hence(f xx − λ)(f yy − λ) − fxy 2 =0⇒ f xx f yy − (f xx + f yy )λ + λ 2 − fxy 2 =0√⇒ 2λ =(f xx + f yy ) ± (f xx + f yy ) 2 − 4(f xx f yy − fxy),2which by rearrangement of the terms under the square root gives√2λ =(f xx + f yy ) ± (f xx − f yy ) 2 +4fxy.2Now, that M is real <strong>and</strong> symmetric implies that its eigenvalues are real, <strong>and</strong> so <strong>for</strong> botheigenvalues to be positive (corresponding to a minimum), we require f xx <strong>and</strong> f yy positive<strong>and</strong> also√f xx + f yy > (f xx + f yy ) 2 − 4(f xx f yy − fxy),2⇒ f xx f yy − fxy 2 > 0.A similar procedure will find the criteria <strong>for</strong> maxima <strong>and</strong> saddle points. ◭r5.9 Stationary values under constraintsIn the previous section we looked at the problem of finding stationary values ofa function of two or more variables when all the variables may be independently167

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