Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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8.5 FUNCTIONS OF MATRICESThe identity matrix I has the propertyAI = IA = A.It is clear that, in order <strong>for</strong> the above products to be defined, the identity matrixmust be square. The N × N identity matrix (often denoted by I N )hasthe<strong>for</strong>m⎛⎞1 0 ··· 0.I N =0 1 .⎜ .⎝. ⎟. .. 0 ⎠ .0 ··· 0 18.5 Functions of matricesIf a matrix A is square then, as mentioned above, one can define powers of A ina straight<strong>for</strong>ward way. For example A 2 = AA, A 3 = AAA, or in the general caseA n = AA ···A(n times),where n is a positive integer. Having defined powers of a square matrix A, wemay construct functions of A of the <strong>for</strong>mS = ∑ na n A n ,where the a k are simple scalars <strong>and</strong> the number of terms in the summation maybe finite or infinite. In the case where the sum has an infinite number of terms,the sum has meaning only if it converges. A common example of such a functionis the exponential of a matrix, which is defined byexp A =∞∑n=0A nn! . (8.38)This definition can, in turn, be used to define other functions such as sin A <strong>and</strong>cos A.8.6 The transpose of a matrixWe have seen that the components of a linear operator in a given coordinate systemcan be written in the <strong>for</strong>m of a matrix A. We will also find it useful, however,to consider the different (but clearly related) matrix <strong>for</strong>med by interchanging therows <strong>and</strong> columns of A. The matrix is called the transpose of A <strong>and</strong> is denotedby A T .255

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