Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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HIGHER-ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSSubstituting equations (15.37) into the original equation (15.36), the latter becomesa linear ODE with constant coefficients, i.e.a n α n d ( ) ( )d ddt dt − 1 ···dt − n +1 y + ···+ a 1 α dy ( e t )dt + a − β0y = f ,αwhich can be solved by the methods of section 15.1.A special case of Legendre’s linear equation, <strong>for</strong> which α = 1 <strong>and</strong> β =0,isEuler’s equation,a n x n dn ydx n + ···+ a 1x dydx + a 0y = f(x); (15.38)it may be solved in a similar manner to the above by substituting x = e t .Iff(x) = 0 in (15.38) then substituting y = x λ leads to a simple algebraic equationin λ, which can be solved to yield the solution to (15.38). In the event that thealgebraic equation <strong>for</strong> λ has repeated roots, extra care is needed. If λ 1 is a k-foldroot (k >1) then the k linearly independent solutions corresponding to this rootare x λ1 ,x λ1 ln x,...,x λ1 (ln x) k−1 .◮Solvex 2 d2 ydx + x dy − 4y = 0 (15.39)2 dxby both of the methods discussed above.First we make the substitution x = e t , which, after cancelling e t , gives an equation withconstant coefficients, i.e.( )d ddt dt − 1 y + dydt − 4y =0 ⇒ d2 y− 4y =0. (15.40)dt2 Using the methods of section 15.1, the general solution of (15.40), <strong>and</strong> there<strong>for</strong>e of (15.39),is given byy = c 1 e 2t + c 2 e −2t = c 1 x 2 + c 2 x −2 .Since the RHS of (15.39) is zero, we can reach the same solution by substituting y = x λinto (15.39). This givesλ(λ − 1)x λ + λx λ − 4x λ =0,which reduces to(λ 2 − 4)x λ =0.This has the solutions λ = ±2, so we obtain again the general solutiony = c 1 x 2 + c 2 x −2 . ◭Solution method. If the ODE is of the Legendre <strong>for</strong>m (15.36) then substitute αx +β = e t . This results in an equation of the same order but with constant coefficients,which can be solved by the methods of section 15.1. If the ODE is of the Euler<strong>for</strong>m (15.38) with a non-zero RHS then substitute x = e t ; this again leads to anequation of the same order but with constant coefficients. If, however, f(x) =0inthe Euler equation (15.38) then the equation may also be solved by substituting504

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