Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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18.12 THE GAMMA FUNCTION AND RELATED FUNCTIONSwhich converges provided c>a>0.◮Prove the result (18.150).Since F(a, b, c; x) is unchanged by swapping a <strong>and</strong> b, we may write its integral representation(18.144) asΓ(c)F(a, b, c; x) =t a−1 (1 − t) c−a−1 (1 − tx) −b dt.Γ(a)Γ(c − a) 0Setting x = z/b <strong>and</strong> taking the limit b →∞,weobtainM(a, c; z) =Γ(c)Γ(a)Γ(c − a)∫ 10∫ 1t a−1 (1 − t) c−a−1 limb→∞(1 − tz bSince the limit is equal to e tz , we obtain result (18.150). ◭) −bdt.Relationships between confluent hypergeometric functionsA large number of relationships exist between confluent hypergeometric functionswith different arguments. These are straight<strong>for</strong>wardly derived using the integralrepresentation (18.150) or the series <strong>for</strong>m (18.148). Here, we simply note twouseful examples, which readM(a, c; x) =e x M(c − a, c; −x), (18.151)M ′ (a, c; x) = a M(a +1,c+1;x), (18.152)cwhere the prime in the second relation denotes d/dx. The first result followsstraight<strong>for</strong>wardly from the integral representation, <strong>and</strong> the second result may beproved from the series expansion (see exercise 18.19).In an analogous manner to that used <strong>for</strong> the ordinary hypergeometric functions,one may also derive relationships between M(a, c; x) <strong>and</strong> any two of thefour ‘contiguous functions’ M(a ± 1,c; x) <strong>and</strong>M(a, c ± 1; x). These serve as therecurrence relations <strong>for</strong> the confluent hypergeometric functions. An example ofsuch a relationship is(c − a)M(a − 1,c; x)+(2a − c + x)M(a, c; x) − aM(a +1,c; x) =0.18.12 The gamma function <strong>and</strong> related functionsMany times in this chapter, <strong>and</strong> often throughout the rest of the book, we havemade mention of the gamma function <strong>and</strong> related functions such as the beta <strong>and</strong>error functions. Although not derived as the solutions of important second-orderODEs, these convenient functions appear in a number of contexts, <strong>and</strong> so herewe gather together some of their properties. This final section should be regardedmerely as a reference containing some useful relations obeyed by these functions;a minimum of <strong>for</strong>mal proofs is given.635

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