Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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APPLICATIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLESdeduce thatF(w) =f(z) =V + ikz = V + ikw 1/2 (25.9)is the required potential. Expressed in terms of r, s <strong>and</strong> ρ =(r 2 + s 2 ) 1/2 , w 1/2 is given by[ ( ) 1/2 ( ) ] 1/2 ρ + r ρ − rw 1/2 = ρ 1/2 + i, (25.10)2ρ2ρ<strong>and</strong>, in particular, the electrostatic potential is given byΦ(r, s) =ReF(w) =V −k √2[(r 2 + s 2 ) 1/2 − r ] 1/2. (25.11)The corresponding equipotentials <strong>and</strong> field lines are shown in figure 25.3(b). Using results(25.3)–(25.5), the magnitude of the electric field is|E| = |F ′ (w)| = | 1 2 ikw−1/2 | = 1 2 k(r2 + s 2 ) −1/4 .(ii) A trans<strong>for</strong>mation ‘converse’ to that used in (i),w = g(z) =z 1/2 ,has the effect of mapping the upper half of the z-plane into the first quadrant of thew-plane <strong>and</strong> the conducting plane y =0intothewedger>0, s =0<strong>and</strong>r =0,s>0.The complex potential now becomesF(w) =V + ikw 2= V + ik[(r 2 − s 2 )+2irs], (25.12)showing that the electrostatic potential is V −2krs <strong>and</strong> that the electric field has componentsE =(2ks,2kr). (25.13)Figure 25.3(c) indicates the approximate equipotentials <strong>and</strong> field lines. (Note that, in bothtrans<strong>for</strong>mations, g ′ (z) iseither0or∞ at the origin, <strong>and</strong> so neither trans<strong>for</strong>mation iscon<strong>for</strong>mal there. Consequently there is no violation of result (ii), given at the start ofsection 24.7, concerning the angles between intersecting lines.) ◭The method of images, discussed in section 21.5, can be used in conjunction withcon<strong>for</strong>mal trans<strong>for</strong>mations to solve some problems involving Laplace’s equationin two dimensions.◮A wedge of angle π/α with its vertex at z =0is <strong>for</strong>med by two semi-infinite conductingplates, as shown in figure 25.4(a). A line charge of strength q per unit length is positionedat z = z 0 , perpendicular to the z-plane. By considering the trans<strong>for</strong>mation w = z α ,findthecomplex electrostatic potential <strong>for</strong> this situation.Let us consider the action of the trans<strong>for</strong>mation w = z α on the lines defining the positionsof the conducting plates. The plate that lies along the positive x-axis is mapped onto thepositive r-axis in the w-plane, whereas the plate that lies along the direction exp(iπ/α) ismapped into the negative r-axis, as shown in figure 25.4(b). Similarly the line charge at z 0is mapped onto the point w 0 = z0 α.From figure 25.4(b), we see that in the w-plane the problem can be solved by introducinga second line charge of opposite sign at the point w0 ∗ , so that the potential Φ = 0 alongthe r-axis. The complex potential <strong>for</strong> such an arrangement is simplyF(w) =−q ln(w − w 0 )+q ln(w − w2πɛ 0 2πɛ0).∗0878

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