Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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24.5 MULTIVALUED FUNCTIONS AND BRANCH CUTSOn the RHS let us write t as follows:t = r exp[i(θ +2kπ)],where k is an integer. We then obtain[ ]1t 1/n (θ +2kπ)=exp ln r + in n[ ]= r 1/n (θ +2kπ)exp i ,nwhere k =0, 1,...,n− 1; <strong>for</strong> other values of k we simply recover the roots already found.Thus t has n distinct nth roots. ◭24.5 Multivalued functions <strong>and</strong> branch cutsIn the definition of an analytic function, one of the conditions imposed wasthat the function is single-valued. However, as shown in the previous section, thelogarithmic function, a complex power <strong>and</strong> a complex root are all multivalued.Nevertheless, it happens that the properties of analytic functions can still beapplied to these <strong>and</strong> other multivalued functions of a complex variable providedthat suitable care is taken. This care amounts to identifying the branch points ofthe multivalued function f(z) in question. If z is varied in such a way that itspath in the Arg<strong>and</strong> diagram <strong>for</strong>ms a closed curve that encloses a branch point,then, in general, f(z) will not return to its original value.For definiteness let us consider the multivalued function f(z) =z 1/2 <strong>and</strong> expressz as z = r exp iθ. From figure 24.1(a), it is clear that, as the point z traverses anyclosed contour C that does not enclose the origin, θ will return to its originalvalue after one complete circuit. However, <strong>for</strong> any closed contour C ′ that doesenclose the origin, after one circuit θ → θ +2π (see figure 24.1(b)). Thus, <strong>for</strong> thefunction f(z) =z 1/2 , after one circuitr 1/2 exp(iθ/2) → r 1/2 exp[i(θ +2π)/2] = −r 1/2 exp(iθ/2).In other words, the value of f(z) changes around any closed loop enclosing theorigin; in this case f(z) →−f(z). Thus z = 0 is a branch point of the functionf(z) =z 1/2 .We note in this case that if any closed contour enclosing the origin is traversedtwice then f(z) =z 1/2 returns to its original value. The number of loops arounda branch point required <strong>for</strong> any given function f(z) to return to its original valuedepends on the function in question, <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> some functions (e.g. Ln z, which alsohas a branch point at the origin) the original value is never recovered.In order that f(z) may be treated as single-valued, we may define a branch cutin the Arg<strong>and</strong> diagram. A branch cut is a line (or curve) in the complex plane<strong>and</strong> may be regarded as an artificial barrier that we must not cross. Branch cutsare positioned in such a way that we are prevented from making a complete835

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