Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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SERIES SOLUTIONS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS(b) Find one series solution in powers of z. Give a <strong>for</strong>mal expression <strong>for</strong> asecond linearly independent solution.(c) Deduce the values of λ <strong>for</strong> which there is a polynomial solution P N (z) ofdegree N. Evaluate the first four polynomials, normalised in such a way thatP N (0) = 1.16.11 Find the general power series solution about z =0oftheequationz d2 y dy+(2z − 3)dz2 dz + 4 z y =0.16.12 Find the radius of convergence of a series solution about the origin <strong>for</strong> theequation (z 2 + az + b)y ′′ +2y = 0 in the following cases:(a) a =5,b=6; (b)a =5,b=7.Show that if a <strong>and</strong> b are real <strong>and</strong> 4b >a 2 , then the radius of convergence isalways given by b 1/2 .16.13 For the equation y ′′ + z −3 y = 0, show that the origin becomes a regular singularpoint if the independent variable is changed from z to x =1/z. Hence find aseries solution of the <strong>for</strong>m y 1 (z) = ∑ ∞0 a nz −n .Bysettingy 2 (z) =u(z)y 1 (z) <strong>and</strong>exp<strong>and</strong>ing the resulting expression <strong>for</strong> du/dz in powers of z −1 , show that y 2 (z)has the asymptotic <strong>for</strong>m[( )] ln zy 2 (z) =c z +lnz − 1 +O ,2zwhere c is an arbitrary constant.16.14 Prove that the Laguerre equation,z d2 y dy+(1− z) + λy =0,dz2 dzhas polynomial solutions L N (z) ifλ is a non-negative integer N, <strong>and</strong> determinethe recurrence relationship <strong>for</strong> the polynomial coefficients. Hence show that anexpression <strong>for</strong> L N (z), normalised in such a way that L N (0) = N!, isN∑ (−1) n (N!) 2L N (z) =(N − n)!(n!) 2 zn .n=0Evaluate L 3 (z) explicitly.16.15 The origin is an ordinary point of the Chebyshev equation,(1 − z 2 )y ′′ − zy ′ + m 2 y =0,which there<strong>for</strong>e has series solutions of the <strong>for</strong>m z ∑ σ ∞0 a nz n <strong>for</strong> σ =0<strong>and</strong>σ =1.(a) Find the recurrence relationships <strong>for</strong> the a n in the two cases <strong>and</strong> show thatthere exist polynomial solutions T m (z):(i) <strong>for</strong> σ =0,whenm is an even integer, the polynomial having 1 (m +2)2terms;(ii) <strong>for</strong> σ =1,whenm is an odd integer, the polynomial having 1 (m +1)2terms.(b) T m (z) is normalised so as to have T m (1) = 1. Find explicit <strong>for</strong>ms <strong>for</strong> T m (z)<strong>for</strong> m =0, 1, 2, 3.552

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