Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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31.4 SOME BASIC ESTIMATORSSince the number of terms in the double sum on the RHS is N(N − 1), we haveE[V xy ]=E[x i y i ] − 1 N 2 (NE[x iy i ]+N(N − 1)E[x i y j ])= E[x i y i ] − 1 N (NE[x iy 2 i ]+N(N − 1)E[x i ]E[y j ])= E[x i y i ] − 1 ( ) N − 1E[xi y i ]+(N − 1)µ x µ y = Cov[x, y],NNwhere we have used the fact that, since the samples are independent, E[x i y j ]=E[x i ]E[y j ]. ◭It is possible to obtain expressions <strong>for</strong> the variances of the estimators (31.59)<strong>and</strong> (31.60) but these quantities depend upon higher moments of the populationP (x, y) <strong>and</strong> are extremely lengthy to calculate.Whether the means µ x <strong>and</strong> µ y are known or unknown, an estimator of thepopulation correlation Corr[x, y] is given byy]Ĉorr[x, y] =Ĉov[x, , (31.61)ˆσ x ˆσ ywhere Ĉov[x, y], ˆσ x <strong>and</strong> ˆσ y are the appropriate estimators of the population covariance<strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard deviations. Although this estimator is only asymptoticallyunbiased, i.e. <strong>for</strong> large N, it is widely used because of its simplicity. Once againthe variance of the estimator depends on the higher moments of P (x, y) <strong>and</strong>isdifficult to calculate.In the case in which the means µ x <strong>and</strong> µ y are unknown, a suitable (but biased)estimator isV xyĈorr[x, y] =N =NN − 1 s x s y N − 1 r xy, (31.62)where s x <strong>and</strong> s y are the sample st<strong>and</strong>ard deviations of the x i <strong>and</strong> y i respectively<strong>and</strong> r xy is the sample correlation. In the special case when the parent populationP (x, y) is Gaussian, it may be shown that, if ρ = Corr[x, y],E[r xy ]=ρ − ρ(1 − ρ2 )+O(N −2 ),2N(31.63)V [r xy ]= 1 N (1 − ρ2 ) 2 +O(N −2 ), (31.64)from which the expectation value <strong>and</strong> variance of the estimator Ĉorr[x, y] maybe found immediately.We note finally that our discussion may be extended, without significant alteration,to the general case in which each data item consists of n numbersx i ,y i ,...,z i .1253

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