Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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24.9 CAUCHY’S THEOREMnamely Cauchy’s theorem, which is the cornerstone of the integral calculus ofcomplex variables.Be<strong>for</strong>e discussing Cauchy’s theorem, however, we note an important resultconcerning complex integrals that will be of some use later. Let us consider theintegral of a function f(z) along some path C. IfM is an upper bound on thevalue of |f(z)| on the path, i.e. |f(z)| ≤M on C, <strong>and</strong>L is the length of the path C,then∫∫∫∣ f(z) dz∣ ≤ |f(z)||dz| ≤M dl = ML. (24.39)CcCIt is straight<strong>for</strong>ward to verify that this result does indeed hold <strong>for</strong> the complexintegrals considered earlier in this section.24.9 Cauchy’s theoremCauchy’s theorem states that if f(z) is an analytic function, <strong>and</strong> f ′ (z) is continuousat each point within <strong>and</strong> on a closed contour C, then∮f(z) dz =0. (24.40)CIn this statement <strong>and</strong> from now on we denote an integral around a closed contourby ∮ C .To prove this theorem we will need the two-dimensional <strong>for</strong>m of the divergencetheorem, known as Green’s theorem in a plane (see section 11.3). This says thatif p <strong>and</strong> q are two functions with continuous first derivatives within <strong>and</strong> on aclosed contour C (bounding a domain R) inthexy-plane, then∫∫R( ∂p∂x + ∂q∂y)dxdy =∮C(p dy− qdx). (24.41)With f(z) =u + iv <strong>and</strong> dz = dx + idy, this can be applied to∮∮∮I = f(z) dz = (u dx− vdy)+i (v dx+ udy)to give∫∫ [ ∂(−u)I =∂yRCC+ ∂(−v) ] ∫∫ [ ∂(−v)dx dy + i+ ∂u ]dx dy. (24.42)∂xR ∂y ∂xNow, recalling that f(z) is analytic <strong>and</strong> there<strong>for</strong>e that the Cauchy–Riemannrelations (24.5) apply, we see that each integr<strong>and</strong> is identically zero <strong>and</strong> thus I isalso zero; this proves Cauchy’s theorem.In fact, the conditions of the above proof are more stringent than they needbe. The continuity of f ′ (z) is not necessary <strong>for</strong> the proof of Cauchy’s theorem,849C

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