Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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26.9 ISOTROPIC TENSORSare independent of the trans<strong>for</strong>mation L ij . Specifically, δ 11 has the value 1 inall coordinate frames, whereas <strong>for</strong> a general second-order tensor T all we knowis that if T 11 = f 11 (x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 )thenT 11 ′ = f 11(x ′ 1 ,x′ 2 ,x′ 3 ). Tensors with the <strong>for</strong>merproperty are called isotropic (or invariant) tensors.It is important to know the most general <strong>for</strong>m that an isotropic tensor can take,since the description of the physical properties, e.g. the conductivity, magneticsusceptibility or tensile strength, of an isotropic medium (i.e. a medium havingthe same properties whichever way it is orientated) involves an isotropic tensor.In the previous section it was shown that δ ij <strong>and</strong> ɛ ijk are second- <strong>and</strong> third-orderisotropic tensors; we will now show that, to within a scalar multiple, they are theonly such isotropic tensors.Let us begin with isotropic second-order tensors. Suppose T ij is an isotropictensor; then, by definition, <strong>for</strong> any rotation of the axes we must have thatT ij = T ij ′ = L ik L jl T kl (26.37)<strong>for</strong> each of the nine components.First consider a rotation of the axes by 2π/3 about the (1, 1, 1) direction; thistakes Ox 1 , Ox 2 , Ox 3 into Ox ′ 2 , Ox′ 3 , Ox′ 1 respectively. For this rotation L 13 =1,L 21 =1,L 32 = 1 <strong>and</strong> all other L ij = 0. This requires that T 11 = T 11 ′ = T 33.Similarly T 12 = T 12 ′ = T 31. Continuing in this way, we find:(a) T 11 = T 22 = T 33 ;(b) T 12 = T 23 = T 31 ;(c) T 21 = T 32 = T 13 .Next, consider a rotation of the axes (from their original position) by π/2about the Ox 3 -axis. In this case L 12 = −1, L 21 =1,L 33 = 1 <strong>and</strong> all other L ij =0.Amongst other relationships, we must have from (26.37) that:T 13 =(−1) × 1 × T 23 ;T 23 =1× 1 × T 13 .Hence T 13 = T 23 = 0 <strong>and</strong> there<strong>for</strong>e, by parts (b) <strong>and</strong> (c) above, each element T ij =0 except <strong>for</strong> T 11 , T 22 <strong>and</strong> T 33 , which are all the same. This shows that T ij = λδ ij .◮Show that λɛ ijk is the only isotropic third-order Cartesian tensor.The general line of attack is as above <strong>and</strong> so only a minimum of explanation will be given.T ijk = T ijk ′ = L il L jm L kn T lmn (in all, there are 27 elements).Rotate about the (1, 1, 1) direction: this is equivalent to making subscript permutations1 → 2 → 3 → 1. We find(a) T 111 = T 222 = T 333 ,(b) T 112 = T 223 = T 331 (<strong>and</strong> two similar sets),(c) T 123 = T 231 = T 312 (<strong>and</strong> a set involving odd permutations of 1, 2, 3).945

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