Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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SERIES AND LIMITSalthough in principle infinitely long, in practice may be simplified if x happens tohave a value small compared with unity. To see this note that P (x) <strong>for</strong>x =0.1has the following values: 1, if just one term is taken into account; 1.1, <strong>for</strong> twoterms; 1.11, <strong>for</strong> three terms; 1.111, <strong>for</strong> four terms, etc. If the quantity that itrepresents can only be measured with an accuracy of two decimal places, then allbut the first three terms may be ignored, i.e. when x =0.1 orlessP (x) =1+x + x 2 +O(x 3 ) ≈ 1+x + x 2 .This sort of approximation is often used to simplify equations into manageable<strong>for</strong>ms. It may seem imprecise at first but is perfectly acceptable insofar as itmatches the experimental accuracy that can be achieved.The symbols O <strong>and</strong> ≈ used above need some further explanation. They areused to compare the behaviour of two functions when a variable upon whichboth functions depend tends to a particular limit, usually zero or infinity (<strong>and</strong>obvious from the context). For two functions f(x) <strong>and</strong>g(x), with g positive, the<strong>for</strong>mal definitions of the above symbols are as follows:(i) If there exists a constant k such that |f| ≤kg as the limit is approachedthen f =O(g).(ii) If as the limit of x is approached f/g tends to a limit l, wherel ≠0,thenf ≈ lg. The statement f ≈ g means that the ratio of the two sides tendsto unity.4.5.1 Convergence of power seriesThe convergence or otherwise of power series is a crucial consideration in practicalterms. For example, if we are to use a power series as an approximation, it isclearly important that it tends to the precise answer as more <strong>and</strong> more terms ofthe approximation are taken. Consider the general power seriesP (x) =a 0 + a 1 x + a 2 x 2 + ··· .Using d’Alembert’s ratio test (see subsection 4.3.2), we see that P (x) convergesabsolutely if∣ ∣ ∣∣∣ a n+1ρ = lim xn→∞ a n∣ = |x| lima n+1 ∣∣∣n→∞ ∣ < 1.a nThus the convergence of P (x) depends upon the value of x, i.e. there is, in general,a range of values of x <strong>for</strong> which P (x) converges, an interval of convergence. Notethat at the limits of this range ρ = 1, <strong>and</strong> so the series may converge or diverge.The convergence of the series at the end-points may be determined by substitutingthese values of x into the power series P (x) <strong>and</strong> testing the resulting series usingany applicable method (discussed in section 4.3).132

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