Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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28.8 EXERCISESSimilarly compute C 2 C 2 , C 1 C 2 <strong>and</strong> C 2 C 1 . Show that each product coset is equal toC 1 or to C 2 ,<strong>and</strong>thata2× 2 multiplication table can be <strong>for</strong>med, demonstratingthat C 1 <strong>and</strong> C 2 are themselves the elements of a group of order 2. A subgrouplike H whose cosets themselves <strong>for</strong>m a group is a normal subgroup.28.17 The group of all non-singular n × n matrices is known as the general lineargroup GL(n) <strong>and</strong> that with only real elements as GL(n, R). If R ∗ denotes themultiplicative group of non-zero real numbers, prove that the mapping Φ :GL(n, R) → R ∗ , defined by Φ(M) =detM, is a homomorphism.Show that the kernel K of Φ is a subgroup of GL(n, R). Determine its cosets<strong>and</strong> show that they themselves <strong>for</strong>m a group.28.18 The group of reflection–rotation symmetries of a square is known as D 4 ;letX be one of its elements. Consider a mapping Φ : D 4 → S 4 , the permutationgroup on four objects, defined by Φ(X) = the permutation induced by X onthe set {x, y, d, d ′ }, where x <strong>and</strong> y are the two principal axes, <strong>and</strong> d <strong>and</strong> d ′the two principal diagonals, of the square. For example, if R is a rotation byπ/2, Φ(R) = (12)(34). Show that D 4 is mapped onto a subgroup of S 4 <strong>and</strong>, byconstructing the multiplication tables <strong>for</strong> D 4 <strong>and</strong> the subgroup, prove that themapping is a homomorphism.28.19 Given that matrix M is a member of the multiplicative group GL(3, R), determine,<strong>for</strong> each of the following additional constraints on M (applied separately), whetherthe subset satisfying the constraint is a subgroup of GL(3, R):(a) M T = M;(b) M T M = I;(c) |M| =1;(d) M ij =0<strong>for</strong>j>i<strong>and</strong> M ii ≠0.28.20 The elements of the quaternion group, Q, aretheset{1, −1,i,−i, j, −j,k,−k},with i 2 = j 2 = k 2 = −1, ij = k <strong>and</strong> its cyclic permutations, <strong>and</strong> ji = −k <strong>and</strong>its cyclic permutations. Find the proper subgroups of Q <strong>and</strong> the correspondingcosets. Show that the subgroup of order 2 is a normal subgroup, but that theother subgroups are not. Show that Q cannot be isomorphic to the group 4mm(C 4v ) considered in exercise Show that D 4 , the group of symmetries of a square, has two isomorphic subgroupsof order 4. Show further that there exists a two-to-one homomorphism from thequaternion group Q, of exercise 28.20, onto one (<strong>and</strong> hence either) of these twosubgroups, <strong>and</strong> determine its kernel.28.22 Show that the matrices⎛M(θ, x, y) = ⎝cos θ − sin θ xsin θ cos θ y0 0 1where 0 ≤ θ

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