Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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11Line, surface <strong>and</strong> volume integralsIn the previous chapter we encountered continuously varying scalar <strong>and</strong> vectorfields <strong>and</strong> discussed the action of various differential operators on them. Inaddition to these differential operations, the need often arises to consider theintegration of field quantities along lines, over surfaces <strong>and</strong> throughout volumes.In general the integr<strong>and</strong> may be scalar or vector in nature, but the evaluationof such integrals involves their reduction to one or more scalar integrals, whichare then evaluated. In the case of surface <strong>and</strong> volume integrals this requires theevaluation of double <strong>and</strong> triple integrals (see chapter 6).11.1 Line integralsIn this section we discuss line or path integrals, in which some quantity relatedto the field is integrated between two given points in space, A <strong>and</strong> B, along aprescribed curve C that joins them. In general, we may encounter line integralsof the <strong>for</strong>ms ∫ ∫∫φdr, a · dr, a × dr, (11.1)CCwhere φ is a scalar field <strong>and</strong> a is a vector field. The three integrals themselves arerespectively vector, scalar <strong>and</strong> vector in nature. As we will see below, in physicalapplications line integrals of the second type are by far the most common.The <strong>for</strong>mal definition of a line integral closely follows that of ordinary integrals<strong>and</strong> can be considered as the limit of a sum. We may divide the path C joiningthe points A <strong>and</strong> B into N small line elements ∆r p , p =1,...,N.If(x p ,y p ,z p )isany point on the line element ∆r p then the second type of line integral in (11.1),<strong>for</strong> example, is defined as∫∑Na · dr = lim a(x p ,y p ,z p ) · ∆r p ,CN→∞p=1where it is assumed that all |∆r p |→0asN →∞.377C

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