Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering - Matematica.NET


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TENSORS26.28 A curve r(t) is parameterised by a scalar variable t. Show that the length of thecurve between two points, A <strong>and</strong> B, isgivenby∫ √ BduL = g i du jijA dt dt dt.Using the calculus of variations (see chapter 22), show that the curve r(t) thatminimises L satisfies the equationd 2 u idt 2du j du k+Γi jk = ¨ṡ du idt dt s dt ,where s is the arc length along the curve, ṡ = ds/dt <strong>and</strong> ¨s = d 2 s/dt 2 . Hence, showthat if the parameter t is of the <strong>for</strong>m t = as + b, wherea <strong>and</strong> b are constants,then we recover the equation <strong>for</strong> a geodesic (26.101).[ A parameter which, like t, is the sum of a linear trans<strong>for</strong>mation of s <strong>and</strong> atranslation is called an affine parameter. ]26.29 We may define Christoffel symbols of the first kind byΓ ijk = g il Γ l jk.Show that these are given byΓ kij = 1 2By permuting indices, verify that(∂gik∂u j+ ∂g jk∂u i− ∂g ij∂u k ).∂g ij∂u =Γ k ijk +Γ jik .Using the fact that Γ l jk =Γl kj, show thatg ij; k ≡ 0,i.e. that the covariant derivative of the metric tensor is identically zero in allcoordinate systems.26.24 Hints <strong>and</strong> answers26.1 (a) u ′ 1 = x 1 cos(φ − θ) − x 2 sin(φ − θ), etc.;(b) u ′ 11 = s2 x 2 1 − 2scx 1x 2 + c 2 x 2 2 ≠ c2 x 2 2 + csx 1x 2 + scx 1 x 2 + s 2 x 2 1 .26.3 (a) (1/ √ 2)( √ 2, 0, 0; 0, 1, −1; 0, 1, 1). (b) (1/ √ 2)(1, 0, −1; 0, √ 2, 0; 1, 0, 1).r =(2 √ 2, −1+ √ 2, −1 − √ 2) T .26.5 Twice contract the array with the outer product of (x, y, z) with itself, thusobtaining the expression −(x 2 + y 2 + z 2 ) 2 , which is an invariant <strong>and</strong> there<strong>for</strong>e ascalar.26.7 Write A j (∂A i /∂x j )as∂(A i A j )/∂x j − A i (∂A j /∂x j ).26.9 (i) Write out the expression <strong>for</strong> |A T |, contract both sides of the equation with ɛ lmn<strong>and</strong> pick out the expression <strong>for</strong> |A| ontheRHS.Notethatɛ lmn ɛ lmn is a numericalscalar.(iii) Each non-zero term on the RHS contains any particular row index once <strong>and</strong>only once. The same can be said <strong>for</strong> the Levi–Civita symbol on the LHS. Thusinterchanging two rows is equivalent to interchanging two of the subscripts ofɛ lmn , <strong>and</strong> thereby reversing its sign. Consequently, the magnitude of |A| remainsthe same but its sign is changed.(v) If, say, A pi = λA pj , <strong>for</strong> some particular pair of values i <strong>and</strong> j <strong>and</strong> all p then,982

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