Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks


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anguish and the. rigid aspect of the body in trance stiffened by the tide<br />

of cosmic. forces which besiege it is admirably expressed by that<br />

frenetic. dance of rigidities and angles in which one suddenly feels the.<br />

mind begin to plummet downwards.... And the women's stratified lunar<br />

eyes. Eyes of dreams which seem to absorb our own eyes before. which<br />

we ourselves appear to be fantome.... .For the Occidental theater the<br />

Word is everything. and there is no possibility of expression without it<br />

the theater is a. branch of literature a kind of sonorous species of<br />

language and. even if we admit a difference between the text spoken on<br />

the stage. and the text read by the eyes if we restrict theater to what.<br />

happens between cues we have still not managed to separate it. the idea<br />

of a performed text.... The. The. absurdity of this cultural mythology's<br />

persistence at a time when scientific. metaphysics have already<br />

triumphed was demonstrated clearly by Kierkegaard's. choice of<br />

confirming Christianity one must believe in absurdity.. jorn p'physics.<br />



butah. Generated by usercdfu.cable.mindvoid.com. lard comment.<br />

nothing is truly reflected anymore. no value no equivalence. could it be<br />

that all systems individuals harbour a secret urge to be rid of. their ideas<br />

of their own essences so as to be able to proliferate everywhere.<br />

transport themselves simultanesously to every point of the compass in<br />

any. event the consequences of a dissociation of this kind can only be<br />

fatal. a. thing which has lost its idea is like the man who has lost his<br />

shadow and it. must either fall under the sway of madness or perish..<br />

annihilation by virtue of their very success.. transaestethic of banality.<br />

virtual indifference. silence a blip in the circuity that minor<br />

catastrophe.. which confirmes the. fact that all this communication is<br />

basically nothing but a rigid script an. uninterrupted fiction designed to<br />

free us not only from the void of the. television but equally from the<br />

void of our own mental screen... j baudrillard. nostalG. .sigs. wreathule.<br />

entropic arts. noematag. nostalG. mat. hva gjør vi med lykken har den<br />

noen plass å gjøre av seg eller er lykke å. ikke. ha noen plass å gjøre av seg<br />

lykke ballen mens ruletten går. hva er ruletten. lotto høstjakt killing by<br />

numbers aldri var du så levende som ved fronten. men hva skulle du med<br />

liv du kjenner bare på det du investerer dvs du er. lykkelig hvis du<br />

investerer lykke dvs setter den på spill lykkehjul this. wheel will fortune<br />

by selfdestruct. jeg kunne hatt barn vært barn vært død. jeg er på en måte ikke<br />

her hjulet går rundt keep the wheels turning lykke er. å ikke vært til kunstig<br />

lykke. lykke er å være ulykkelig. lykke er å ikke bry. seg salighet. først når<br />


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