Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks


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when the bowlers turned around to face their companions they often.<br />

smiled.. when us people see someone expressing an emotion us tend to<br />

imitate the. expression.. my infants with an average age of thirtysix<br />

hours.. and leakage. plutchik categories. withdrawing escaping<br />

protection fear. attacking biting destruction anger. mating courting<br />

reproduction joy. crying for help reintegration sadness. pair bonding<br />

grooming affiliation acceptance. vomiting spitting out rejecting disgust.<br />

examining mapping exploration expectancy. stopping freezing<br />

orientation surprise. hohman () the higher my injury to the spinal chord<br />

the less. intense general feelings were to support the theory of feeling<br />

of. emotions being feedback from my body.. funny thing is i didn't get<br />

all shook up about it. i just didn't feel. afraid at all like you would<br />

suppose.. our simulations facial smiling creates the emotional state of.<br />

happiness etc. simulated expressions altered us autonomic nervous.<br />

system.. my damage to left hemisphere often suffer a catastrophic<br />

reaction while. right damage often show an indifferent reaction for the<br />

left the right. is intact and 'dramatic' in expression and vice versa the<br />

left being. logicalindifferent.. dangers are to your left. my right<br />

hemisphere judges emotions more accurate. viewing or reading. reading<br />

with my left eye.. strange thing when i close my left eye and ear the<br />

sense impressions. seem more empty than if i close my right eye and<br />

ear. what goes on. analyzingsynthesizing.. i wasn't fundamental<br />

attributional error to overestimate dispositional. factors (the person) and<br />

underestimate the situational except our own. behaviour (the i). last<br />

night we false consensus error most people are like me. your success<br />

from internal causes failures from external. my personal causation error<br />

the element of choice leads me to an. illusion of personal causation.<br />

may be an innate tendency.. for me right is empty dead it requires<br />

action process of object. and left is full life requires passio process of<br />

subject. metaphysiology semispheres. all our induced compliance. the<br />

experimenters predicted that the. subjects who were paid would<br />

perceive the task as being relatively. interesting those who got not. they<br />

should convince themselves of. the worth of the experiment so as to<br />

maintain their selfesteem. when. faced with inconsistencies between<br />

our behavior and our attitudes i. often change me attitudes to suit me<br />

behavior.. she arousal and attitude change. together attitudes and<br />

expenditures clearly we value things at least. partly by how much they<br />

cost us. so that we effort would not be. perceived as having been<br />

completely without value us. dilbert why pay. only ascetics value life..<br />

my people find a message form an attractive person more persuasive..<br />


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