Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks


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did it cross the road if the force. particles need forcebearing particles to<br />

explain their dynamics then. what explains the dynamics of<br />

forcebearing particles they are thought. of as pure force with no<br />

underlying bearing force which makes no. sense but that the deal it has<br />

explanation value. so the situation is. like asking why did the chicken<br />

cross the road why did it move if there. was nothing moving it or if it is<br />

movement in itself zero mass energy. why did it cross the road eg.<br />

when the electron shifts roads when. excited or depressed. physical<br />

explanation has the two components force. and forcebearing on<br />

different levels for convenience the explanation. has to stop but then<br />

you get the absurd situation between the two. components what's the<br />

interaction how does it cross the road. it's like saying everything we see<br />

is motion but nobody ever saw. motion. imho it's not different from the<br />

classical motion antinomies. which is between notions of the discrete<br />

and the continuous aka digital. and analogue. stated this way the photon<br />

is a continuous particle. explaining the discreteness of other particles it<br />

is crossing the road. all the time without any reason. a packet of motion<br />

how absurd it might. be but it explains motion.. <strong>Re</strong> brashher arising<br />

from ness uncood laugh an uncouth strangers way. ). it's very<br />

interesting are they one or two its own antiparticle which. is baffling<br />

and the instant communication.. how does it cross. thanks quantum<br />

entanglement very good so the chicken doesn't cross. it's mirrored on<br />

the other side.. and everything is inherently mirrored. then what is the<br />

road the remainings of the mirroring all matter as a. deviance from the<br />

mirror all the faulty waste stuff why did the road. cross the chicken<br />

might be more appropriate if everything is so. symmetrical and the road<br />

is so like a crack.. thanks ). going to bed. what happens when one<br />

chicken gets entangled in a nother. cockfight or minuet. Einstein called<br />

this Spooky action at a distance.. Normally the photons exit the crystal<br />

such that one is aligned in a. horizontally (H) polarized light cone the<br />

other. aligned vertically (V). By adjusting the experiment the horizontal<br />

and. vertical light cones can be made to overlap.. Even though the<br />

polarization of the individual photons is unknown the. nature of<br />

quantum mechanics demands they differ.. illustrate if an entangled<br />

photon meets a vertical polarizing. filter (analagous to the fence in<br />

Figure .) the. photon may or may not pass through. If it does then its<br />

entangled. partner will not because the instant that the first. photon's<br />

polarization is known the second photon's polarization will. be the<br />

exact opposite.. It is this instant communication between the entangled<br />

photons to. indicate each other's polarization that lies at the. very heart<br />


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