Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks


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keeping of a log or logbook.. log l n. a. m. abbrev. a n. logarithm (freq.<br />

used preceding. a number or algebraic quantity the logarithm of which<br />

is to be indicated).. m.. loge natural logarithm (of).. b adj. logarithmic.<br />

l.. comb. special collocations loglog a. (of a graph or graph paper).<br />

having or using a logarithmic scale along both axes lognormal a..<br />

(statistics) such that the logarithm of the variate is distributed.<br />

according to a normal distribution lognormally adv. according to a.<br />

lognormal distribution log table a table of logarithms (usu. in pl.).. log l<br />

v. infl. gg. e. f. log n. v.i. be like a log be. sluggish. only in e. v.t. orig.<br />

bring (a tree) to the state of a log. deprive of branches. later cut (timber)<br />

into logs (chiefly n. amer.). clear (a region) of logs or trees (also foll. by<br />

off over up). l. b. v.i. fell timber and cut the wood into logs. cf. earlier<br />

logging n. .. orig. us. m. c v.t. foll. by up pile (logs debris etc.) together<br />

for. final clearance by burning after an initial bush burn has taken place.<br />

nz. colloq. l. v.i. orig. (of water) lie heavily in a ship. later lie.<br />

motionless like a log. m. v.t. mil. hist. inflict on (an offender) the.<br />

punishment of the log (log n. b). e. v.t. a orig. naut. enter (esp.. the<br />

distance made by a ship) as information in a log or logbook gen.. enter<br />

(information) in a regular record. also foll. by down up. e. b. esp. of a<br />

ship achieve or cover (a certain distance) travel at (a. certain speed).<br />

also attain as a cumulative total of time distance. etc. which is entered<br />

in a regular record. l. c naut. fine. (from the. entering of details of<br />

offenders and offences committed in a logbook.). l. v.t. lay out (a road)<br />

with a layer of logs. l. v.i. mining.. make a log support for a windlass.<br />

foll. by up. austral. l. v.i. t.. a foll. by in on go through the procedure as<br />

entering a password or. identification number at a terminal which gives<br />

access to a computer. system gain access for (a person) by logging in.<br />

(foll. by to.) m. b. foll. by off out go through the procedure as entering a<br />

command at a. terminal which ends access to a computer system end<br />

access for (a. person) by logging off. m.. h. d. thoreau only a little<br />

spruce and hemlock beside had been logged. here. b c. l. skinner they<br />

always went upstream to log and let the. current bring down the timber.<br />

t. woolner the logging crocodiles'. outrageous bulk. a n. h. bishop<br />

logging with pleasure my day's run at. sixtyseven miles. d. caute<br />

female cousinsneatly logged in elizabeth's. address book as aunt this<br />

and aunt that. b listener the graf zeppelin was. the first aircraft to log<br />

over a million miles. h. allen she logs about. ten knots in this breeze..<br />

comb. login logoff the action or an act of logging off logon. logout<br />

logoff above.. log l v.t. i. chiefly dial. infl. gg. e. origin unkn.. earlier as<br />

logan. rock move to and fro oscillate. chiefly as logging. ppl a..<br />


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