Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks


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of the CastrationOedipal complex proposed a. distinction between the<br />

penis as an organ (Freudian) and the phallus as a sign. (Lacan ). He also<br />

theorised a more fluid path to the formation of a. gendered subject. This<br />

reworking offered a 'logical' rather than biological. explanation of<br />

patriarchy whereby it is not the having or not having of the. physical<br />

penis which organises gendered subjectivity under patriarchy but. rather<br />

the way in which its presence or absence (lack) functions as a. signifier.<br />

that is the way in which subjects can make sense of sexual difference is<br />

by. their possession of the 'sign' (phallus) of patriarchal power which<br />

allows. them. place themselves within the symbolic order of patriarchal<br />

culture the so. called Law of the 'Father'. Thus male fear of castration<br />

and of the 'lacking'. woman is a fear of the loss of that power which the<br />

phallus as signifier and. 'maker' of language promises to men..<br />

metaphorical labyrinthings from (solipsis) phaneronoemikon. a digest<br />

with small comments. . labyrinth. the labyrinth as material whose<br />

consequence is form. It could also be thought of as. an inquiry into<br />

archetypal models of information as the material whose. consequence.<br />

is form and therefore lies at the very heart of the architectural<br />

endeavor.. labyrinth as paradox. a. monadologies. An account by<br />

Leibnitz himself of how he had emerged from his labyrinth. with a true<br />

conception of the nature of substance and matter was never. published<br />

as anything even resembling a single article but is to be found in.<br />

Antoine Arnauld Burcher de Volder Nicolas <strong>Re</strong>mond and<br />

Bartholomew. Des Bosses. These are typically to the effect that the<br />

continuum involves. indeterminate parts and is consequently ideal<br />

whereas the actual is a result. of assemblage of discrete units that in<br />

ideal things the whole is prior to the. parts. whereas in actuals the parts<br />

are prior to the whole and that it is the. confusion. of the ideal and the<br />

actual that has embroiled everything and produced the. labyrinth. of the<br />

composition of the continuum.. the relation between the continuum and<br />

the discrete is the theme forming. the. classical paradoxes of<br />

Parmenides and Zenon expressed in Achilles and the. Turtle. where the<br />

slow Turtle wins in the discrete.. is the form of spiral related to the<br />

labyrinth when did the spiral become. labyrinth a continuous labyrinth<br />

vs a discrete labyrinth actualmattering. monadology the great automata.<br />

In short a fluidic and computational. metamorphosis set to iterating<br />

within the continnum an embodied reflection. itself. of the emergence<br />

of matter itself from the quantum foam of particles whose. dance. of<br />

disappearing and reappearing may form the basis for our most sacred<br />

and. archetypal. dreams the epiphaneia of the veil of the absolute. At<br />


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