Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks

Re:TheAshLad - Sandbooks


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konstant brekraftig utvikling. og utvikling to bilbomber. utviklet seg<br />

utenfor ambassaden. mennesket er alle tings ml ikke plante. ikke<br />

eksplosjon fenomener har forskjellig hastighet strrelse samfunnet. er<br />

strre enn hver enkelt og dermed treigere mer likt planter mens grupper.<br />

av mennesker er mer som dyr dummere men sterkere. i andre retningen<br />

er. nden som et elektron og ser for seg atomeksplosjonen som den<br />

hyeste. religise forening sin skaper sola big pangpang. lenger framover<br />

er lenger. bakover strre fart er strre avstand mindre er strre<br />

forestillingene. er speil nr du ser foran deg ser du bak deg som nr du ser<br />

utover ser du. noemata. <strong>Re</strong> codework (KristevaEco). long reply I just<br />

got back from aconf. with messages I have to deal with. not spam. But<br />

if you look atKristeva's <strong>Re</strong>volution in Poetic Language you'll see. a<br />

lengthy treatment ofMaldoror especially the unabridged Fr. version and<br />

a. great deal of thisis a combination of psychoanalytics and semiotics<br />

which she. You'd have to look at the book it's hardly reductionist.<br />

Same with. Greimas etc. Alan I have read it and I find Eco and all such<br />

semiotic. models of language reductionist. Where does a text like<br />

Lautreamont's. Maldoror fit into Eco's scheme Where do the texts of<br />

the insane Language is. not only aboutsignals (Eco's signfunctions) and<br />

their corresponding. behavioral responses.There is a form of dark<br />

matter in language that never. gets touched upon by semiotics. It is<br />

where signals get crossed elided. broken down and too often dismissed<br />

in semiotics as gibberish or noise.. Eco's approach isgood for analyzing<br />

highclass linear detective novels like. the ones he writes but it falls<br />

apart on texts that don't make the rage of. interpretationtheir goal. Like<br />

all models of the world semiotics fits some. things well and other things<br />

badly and the things it fits badly happen to be. precisely the things I<br />

care most about right now in the making of art. Maybe. somebody<br />

could propose a new nonlinear model of semiotics or better a. chaotic<br />

one that would extend the field into a place that might be. interesting.<br />

But Eco's views on language are too restrictive for me and. don't carry<br />

me to the places I want to go. Greimas deals with a much. wider range<br />

of issues than semiotics in his work and I prefer him to Eco.. Even so<br />

there is still much in the making of art that Greimas doesn't take. into<br />

account. (Not that I can recall anything specifically that I could. critique<br />

off the top of my pointy little head. . .) Linguistics still only. skims the<br />

surface of art's deepest concerns so I guess the question is. should an<br />

artist be content with merely skimmed surfaces Or should he dive.<br />

headlong into the deep waters where theories fear to tread I guess some<br />

of. us are Ahabs and some of us are Ishmaels. I favor the crazy Ahab<br />


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