AVH501 - Avhandling (30 studiepoeng): - Det teologiske ...

AVH501 - Avhandling (30 studiepoeng): - Det teologiske ...

AVH501 - Avhandling (30 studiepoeng): - Det teologiske ...


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Emnekatalog: TE608<br />

TE608 - The Work of the Holy Spirit in Acts and Today's Mission<br />

Faglærer:<br />

Ingen faglærer, spør studentekspedisjonen@mf.no<br />

Studiepoeng: 10<br />

Undervises:<br />

Uregelmessig, spør studentresepsjon<br />

Generell informasjon<br />

The manifestation of the Holy Spirit among the believers as described in Acts characterized their new identity and led them into<br />

mission. The presence of the Spirit was seen in the frankness with which they preached the gospel, in their prayers, in the way they<br />

were guided, as well as in signs and wonders. This presence of the Holy Spirit was decisive for the progress of early Christian mission.<br />

The narrative of Acts is still a major force in today's mission.<br />

Studiepoengreduksjon<br />

No credit reductions applicable.<br />

Studiekrav<br />

The student is to hand in<br />

- one book analysis of approximately 1000 words (2-3 pages).<br />

Vurdering<br />

MV601 has only one form of assessment, portfolio assessment and a written test. When all the assignments/requirements are passed<br />

the student will be able to seat a written test (6 hours.) The course is assessed with a grade (A-Fl).<br />

Tools permitted during written examinations: See appendix 1, List F. Link: http://www.mf.no/dokumenter/studier/Hjelpemidler.pdf<br />

Litteratur<br />


- "Et utvalg" i Deliver us from evil : an uneasy frontier in Christian mission redaktør Moreau, A. Scott Monrovia, Calif.: Marc, 2002, s.<br />

3-28, 65-103, 117-137, 203-2<strong>30</strong>, 259-275, <strong>30</strong>9-313 .<br />

- Boer, Harry R., "Et utvalg" i Pentecost and missions Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1961, s. 48-160 .<br />

- Dunn, James D. G., "Et utvalg" i Jesus and the spirit : a study of the religious and charismatic experience of Jesus and the first Christians<br />

as reflected in the New Testament London ,: 1975, s. 135-196 .<br />

- Engelsviken, Tormod, "Exorcism and healing in the evangelical churches in Ethiopia" i Journal of Mission Theology = Lähetysteologinen<br />

aikakauskirja Bind 1, nr. 1 Helsinki: Kirkon lähetystyön keskus, 1991, s. 80-92 .<br />

- Jongeneel, Jan A.B., "Ecumenical, evangelical and pentecostal/charismatic views on mission as a movement of the Holy Spirit" i Pentecost,<br />

mission, and ecumenism's essays on intercultural theology : festschrift in honour of Professor Walter J. Hollenweger redaktør Jongeneel,<br />

Jan A. B. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1992, s. 231-246 .<br />

- Taylor, John V., The go-between God : the Holy Spirit and the Christian mission London: SCM press, 1972, s. 246 s., [2] pl. .<br />

- Wells, David F., "Et utvalg" i God the evangelist : how The Holy Spirit works to bring men and women to faith Carlisle: Wef, 1997, s.<br />

1-106 .

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