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168. de Beer B, Snik A, Schilder AG,Graamans K, Zielhuis GA. The effect ofotitis media in childhood on the developmentof middle ear admittance on reachingadulthood. Arch Otolaryngol Head NeckSurg 2005;131:777-81.169. de Beer BA, Schilder AG, Ingels K,Snik AF, Zielhuis GA, Graamans K. Hearingloss in young adults who had ventilationtube insertion in childhood. Ann OtolRhinol Laryngol 2004;113:438-44.170. de Beer BA, Schilder AG, ZielhuisGA, Graamans K. Natural course oftympanic membrane pathology relatedto otitis media and ventilation tubesbetween ages 8 and 18 years. OtolNeurotol 2005;26:1016-21.171. Strachan D, Hope G, Hussain M.Long-term follow-up of children insertedwith T-tubes as a primary procedurefor otitis media with effusion. ClinOtolaryngol Allied Sci 1996;21:537-41.172. Skinner DW, Lesser TH, RichardsSH. A 15 year follow-up of a controlled trialof the use of grommets in glue ear. ClinOtolaryngol Allied Sci 1988;13:341-6.173. Wallace HC, Newbegin CJ. DoesENT outpatient review at 1-week postventilation tube insertion improve outcomeat 1 month in paediatric patients? ClinOtolaryngol Allied Sci 2004;29:595-7.174. Chevretton E, Bingham BJ, FirmanE. The prevention of tympanic membraneperforation following the removal of longtermPaparella type II ventilation tubes.Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1987;12:377-81.175. El-Bitar MA, Pena MT, Choi SS,Zalzal GH. Retained ventilation tubes:should they be removed at 2 years?Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg2002;128:1357-60.176. Lentsch EJ, Goudy S, Ganzel TM,Goldman JL, Nissen AJ. Rate of persistentperforation after elective tympanostomytube removal in pediatric patients. IntJ Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2000;54:143-8.177. Iwaki E, Saito T, Tsuda G, SugimotoC, Kimura Y, Takahashi N, et al. Timingfor removal of tympanic ventilationtube in children. Auris Nasus Larynx1998;25:361-8.178. Nichols PT, Ramadan HH, Wax MK,Santrock RD. Relationship between tympanicmembrane perforations and retainedventilation tubes. Arch Otolaryngol HeadNeck Surg 1998;124:417-9.179. Saito T, Iwaki E, Kohno Y, OhtsuboT, Noda I, Mori S, et al. Prevention of persistentear drum perforation after long-termventilation tube treatment for otitis mediawith effusion in children. Int J PediatrOtorhinolaryngol 1996;38:31-9.180. Bingham BJ, Gurr PA, Owen G. Tympanicmembrane perforation following theremoval of ventilation tubes in the pres ­ence of persistent aural discharge. ClinOtolaryngol Allied Sci 1989;14:525-8.181. Ilicali OC, Keles N, Deger K, Savas I.Relationship of passive cigarette smokingto otitis media. Arch Otolaryngol HeadNeck Surg 1999;125:758-62.182. Ilicali OC, Keles N, De er K, Sa unOF, Guldiken Y. Evaluation of the effect ofpassive smoking on otitis media in childrenby an objective method: urinary cotinineanalysis. Laryngoscope 2001;111:163-7.kapitel 3 • Resultat av litteraturgranskningen 213

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