TUESDAY, JULY 9TH, 2002 - ConstitutionNet

TUESDAY, JULY 9TH, 2002 - ConstitutionNet

TUESDAY, JULY 9TH, 2002 - ConstitutionNet


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4. Judiciary, the Government and the Legislature. The three should be independent so that when we are talking of 2/3 of he<br />

voting if for example in the parliament and wherever the 3 should be independent not the judiciary depending on the<br />

government. Or the legislative being a law and the other two are combined. Each one of them should do the job independently<br />

and should be made as a law like that.<br />

5. Finally concerning the district. There are some few districts which were created some few years ago which are less than ten<br />

years old from when they were created. And here and there, I don’t want to mention specific you find the new created district is<br />

civil by the former that is you find the revenue you have had some people talking about the forest and like that you find even<br />

something like land (interjection)<br />

Com. Asiyo: Now what are you suggesting<br />

Samuel Bunei: I am suggesting that when a district is created it should be looked into by the time it is being created it should<br />

have all its revenue, it spends there and the one it sends to the main office in Nairobi should only go there not the former. That<br />

is I am mentioning this because there are some districts there revenue is going to the other one while it is a district on its own.<br />

So those are my points they are 5 of them. Thank you.<br />

Com. Asiyo: Thankyou very much I just want to correct one comment you made about the KFA and the KGGCU you talked<br />

about the Directors being transferred, because they messed upthe KFA and they were taken to another organization, for my<br />

info and if you read the newspapers of those days the KFA Director was never transferred to another place he was retired and<br />


Samuel Bunei: Just a minute I respond to that one, I was quoting an example I was mentioning KFA because KFA changed<br />

to KGGCU and then back to KFA. KTC is now changing to KTC 2000 it is the same problem (interjection)<br />

Com. Asiyo:.. so they are the same directors but the name.<br />

Samuel Bunei:The people who are handling are the bosses are the ones who are messing up becaue they are being<br />

transferred. An example are the teachers also. You find the head teacher here messing up with Mumberech and he is taken to<br />

Timboroa so I want sucha a thing to stop. The law should be made. That everyone who mess public property should be taken<br />

in and should not hold any more offices.<br />

Com. Asiyo: Ok thankyou that point you have made very clearly lakini kuja. Weka sahihi pale Josphine Mutai, kama hayuko<br />

tunataka yule mama ya shule sasa basi tuko na Christopher Serem, akimaliza tutakuwa na Zakayo Mburu halafu William<br />

Chesire atakuja. Hebu sema majina yako yote.<br />


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