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Ćwiczenie X – Job interviewPrzejœcie do sprawnoœci s³uchania. Uczniowie s³uchaj¹tekstu dialogu miêdzy pracodawc¹ a kandydatemna pracownika, a nastêpnie odpowiadaj¹na pytania do tekstu. Oto tekst dialogu:1. Listen:The interviewMargaret:Good morning.Mr Harris:Good morning, Mrs Allen. Do sitdown.M.:Thank you.Mr H.:I have your lettter of application here.You say you have a little girl of three.Will you be able to work regular hours?M.:We’re going to have an au pair to lookafter Gwen.Mr H.:The reference from your last employeris very good. Did you leave to getmarried?M.:Yes, but I’ve been doing part-timework for them from time to time.Mr.H.:Then your shorthand and typingspeeds are still good and obviouslyyou’re a PC user, aren’t you?M.:Oh, yes. I’ve always done my husband’scorrespondence.Mr.H.:Do you have any audio experience?M.:I’m afraid I don’t.Mr.H.:What made you apply for this job?M.:I have an A-level in music. I thoughtI might perhaps change over to editorialwork later on.Mr.H.:I see. Well, we can talk about thatlater. Now about conditions. We worka five-day week. Hours are from nineto five thirty, with an hour for lunch. Asfor salary we can offer you eighty poundsa week.M.:That sounds very good.Mr.H.:Well, Mrs Allen, I think I can say thatyou are on our short list. We’ll get intouch with you by the end of the weekand give you our final answer.M.:Thank you very much, Mr Harris.Mr H.:Goodbye.M.:Goodbye.2. Answer the questions:a) How many persons are taking part in theconversation?b) What is the name of the employer?c) What is the name of the applicant?d) What are they talking about?e) What kind of job is Margaret applying for?f) What are her qualifications?g) Is Mr Harris going to hire Margaret?h) When is Mr Harris going to give Margaretthe final answer?Ćwiczenie XI – Job interviewPrzejœcie do sprawnoœci mówienia.1. You are interviewing a person who has appliedfor a vacancy in your firm. Ask him/her forparticulars about his/her qualifications and workingexperience.W oparciu o tekst dialogu uczniowie najpierwprzygotowuj¹ siê do roli pracodawcy przeprowadzaj¹cegowywiad z kandydatem na pracownika.Wypisuj¹ listê wszelkich mo¿liwych pytañ,jakie pracodawca mo¿e postawiæ kandydatowi.2. You are applying for a job. Tell the personwho is interviewing you what your qualificationsare and what you have been doing so far.W oparciu o tekst dialogu uczniowie najpierwprzygotowuj¹ siê do roli kandydata do pracy.Opracowuj¹ listê mo¿liwych odpowiedzi kandydatana pytania pracodawcy, ewentualnieinne jeszcze informacje, jakie kandydat mo¿echcieæ przekazaæ pracodawcy.Pomocnymi w tym æwiczeniu mog¹ siê okazaæwzory ró¿nych wariantów takiego dialogu:Ö Model I – Talking to the secretary.X.:Good morning. My name is Allen. I have anappointment to see Mr Harris.Y.:Good morning, Mrs Allen. One moment,please (lifts the receiver). Mrs Allen to seeyou, sir. Very good (puts down the receiver).Mr Harris will see you right now, MrsAllen. This way please.X.:Thank you.Ö Variants:X.:Good morning. My name is Allen,Johnson,Scott, etc.IhaveanappointmentwithMrHarris,Mrs Grey,Professor Smith, etc.Y.:Good morning, Mrs Allen,Johnson,Scott, etc.54

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