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ekræftet. Hans bagvaskelse bør blankt afvises. Og Villaume-Ducoudrays foregivne øjenvidneberetninger om<br />

episoder på Haiti, Margarita, og Carúpano bør fortolkes som et produkt af hans underbevidsthed, hans had til<br />

alt liberalt, alt, som ikke er europæisk og calvinistisk, til alt, som er virkelig stort;<br />

Det lader til at have været Georges Jeannnet (Nicolas Georges Jeannet-Oudin, 1762-1828), nevø af Danton,<br />

der stod bag ekspeditionen mod Puerto Rico:<br />

Fra "Bonapartists in the Borderlands. French exiles and refugees on the Gulf Coast, 1815-1835" af<br />

Rafe Blaufarb, University of Alabama Press, 2005:<br />

Another Champ d'Asile survivor who was a revolutionary activist in the 1820s was Georges Jeannet. Given<br />

his background not merely as a colonial administrator for the French Republic but also as the official charged<br />

with effecting slave emancipation in Guyana, it is not surprising to find that Jeannet's hopes centered on the<br />

possibility of fomenting slave revolt in the Carribean.<br />

In 1821 and early 1822 he reportedly set in motion a plot to spark a rising of mulattoes and blacks against the<br />

white inhabitants of Guadeloupe. The base of the operation was on the nearby island of Saint Barthelemy, in<br />

the mercantile house of the brothers Benjamin and Titus Bigard, rich free men of colour who had been trusted<br />

lieutenants of the French Revolutionary commissar Victor Hugues during the 1790s. Backed by their money<br />

and influence, a fleet of corsairs was to disembark eight hundred armed men at Guadeloupe, burn plantations,<br />

murder whites, and try to touch off a race war that would destroy the colonial regime. Jeannet was present on<br />

the island as late as March 1822, making connections with potential allies on the island, when he was expelled<br />

by the governor-general.<br />

He returned to New York City via Saint Barthelemy and promptly organized a new expedition, this one<br />

against Puerto Rico. In mid-August 1822, accompanied by his son Joseph, two nephews, and two former<br />

Napoleonic officers (General Ducoudray-Holstein and Colonel Durutte), Jeannet set sail at the head of a force<br />

composed of fifty-two men crammed aboard two small ships.<br />

It is unclear how the expedition unfolded, although it certainly did not pose a serious threat to Puerto Rico.<br />

Jeannet himself died in 1828 in impoverished circumstances in his hometown, while his son became a small<br />

businessman in Peru.<br />

Fra Les pages de Rédris om Nicolas Georges Jeannet-Oudin (1762-1828):<br />

Il fut gouverneur de la Guyane:<br />

* 14 avril 1793 - novembre 1794<br />

* D'avril 1796 - novembre 1798 (agent particulier du Directoir)<br />

D'abord Maire d'Arcis sur Aube, puis Commissaire du conseil exécutif provisoire à Thionville, Commissaire<br />

de la Convention, Agent du Directoire il est nommé gouverneur de Guyane. Neveu de Danton, c'est à lui qu'il<br />

doit ce poste.<br />

Il arrive en Guyane le 11 avril 1793.<br />

Il proclama en Guyane la première abolition de l'esclavage à la réception du décret du 16 pluviôse, le 13 juin<br />

1794<br />

Il fit procéder aux élections locales par les nouveaux citoyens en septembre. Mais il s'opposa à la volonté des<br />

nouveaux libres de créer une petite exploitation agricole et les obligea à demeurer sur les habitations où ils<br />

étaient esclaves.<br />

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