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Christophe Vuillaumes efterslægt - Christensen, Erichsen ...

Christophe Vuillaumes efterslægt - Christensen, Erichsen ...


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ART. 12. In each town a city militia shall be organized, which shall serve, till all be quiet, to maintain the<br />

public security.<br />

ART. 13. There shall be raised a corps of infantry, and another of cavalry, composed of young citizens, who<br />

can equip themselves at their own expense, under the name of guards of honor. These guards shall have a<br />

brilliant uniform, and shall march with the General-in-chief.<br />

ART. 14. All prisoners of state, whom the Spanish Government has confined for the sake of their political<br />

opinions, shall be set at liberty.<br />

ART. 15. In each seaport in our power, all vessels shall be at once laid under embargo. None of them shall sail<br />

without leave in writing from the General-in-chief; the captains and their crews who shall assist us shall have<br />

the greatest advantages, according to their services and their merit. Those who do not conform to this embargo<br />

will expose themselves to all the rigor of the laws. The voters of the town council and the officers of the<br />

custom-house shall be responsible for the execution of this article.<br />

ART. 16. Each town, each city, each individual, &c., who shall first rise in favor of independence, and shall<br />

send us deputies, or shall join us, shall have great rewards and privileges, according to their merit.<br />

ART. 17. Commerce shall be free; and to alleviate the public misery, the duties of entry and clearance in our<br />

ports shall be reduced to the half of what they were before for all articles of primary necessity.<br />

ART. 18. The prohibition of any article whatever in the time of the King is null, and all may be introduced into<br />

our ports.<br />

ART. 19. The beginning of the Government hall be very liberal, and shall protect not only commerce, but<br />

agriculture, industry, arts, sciences, public education, and the talents of the citizens.<br />

Nothing shall be neglected that will give to our republic solidity and prosperity. The General-in-chief will<br />

receive with gratitude all plans and projects from any person whatsoever which tend to propose an<br />

establishment useful to the country; such individuals shall be rewarded.<br />

When every thing shall be well arranged that the republic be quiet, fixed, and firm, that we have a Congress<br />

and a wise Constitution, that the three powers be well distinguished, then we shall be able to cry out with truth.<br />

Live the country, live our independence, and perish the disturbers of it!<br />

Given at our head quarters of -<br />


Fra "Baptis Irvine‟s Observations on Simon Bolivar, 1818-1819" af John C. Pine 34 :<br />

Under de latinamerikanske befrielseskrige, 1810-1825, udsendte USA specialagenter til patriotismens centrer<br />

som observatører. I 1818 blev Baptis Irvine sendt på en sådan mission til Venezuela.<br />

Irvine var en ærgerrig irsk immigrant, som var kommet til Amerika som en journalistisk nybegynder. Efter at<br />

have arbejdet for redaktører i Philadelphia og Washington var Irvine redaktør for aviser i Baltimore og New<br />

York. Han var en berømt, om ikke berygtet, liberal og radikal;<br />

34<br />

John C. Pine, "Baptis Irvine‘s Observations on Simon Bolivar, 1818-1819," Proceedings of the Arkansas<br />

Academy of Science (1960). Herefter citeret som "Baptis Irvine‘s Observations."<br />

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