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2007 NSS Convention Guidebook<br />

4<br />

Welcome from the Convention Chairman<br />

Welcome to the 2007 NSS National Convention!<br />

The 2007 NSS Convention Staff welcomes you to this convention. We hope you enjoy your<br />

stay in beautiful southern Indiana.<br />

Hopefully, by the time you read this, I will be the 27th person to welcome you to the convention<br />

and Indiana. We call that Hoosier Hospitality. If not, come see me 26 more times and I will<br />

welcome you personally.<br />

Crawford County and Harrison County are rich in history and caves, from the early explorers<br />

and scientists like William Henry Harrison (9th U.S. President), Squire Boone (Daniel’s brother),<br />

Cox, Blatchley, Collett, Owen, Addington, Mercer, Malott, Eigenmann, Cope, Hovey, and<br />

Mumford, to the more recent, like Ash, Quinlan, Art and Peg Palmer, Hobbs, Lewis, Pearson,<br />

George, and Richards. These are just a few fellow adventurers that you might have heard or read<br />

about with a connection to this area in Indiana.<br />

The Harrison Crawford area offers a vast contrast of caving sites to choose from. The caves<br />

vary from the famous commercial caves, Wyandotte, Marengo, and Squire Boone; to one of<br />

Indiana’s longest, Binkleys; to our most intense vertical caves, Two Bit Pit, Hanging Rock Drop,<br />

and Heisers Well. And, of course, don’t forget the “gold” that is buried in a cave and has never<br />

been found.<br />

Volunteers staff all NSS conventions. This year is no exception. We have been working hard<br />

for the past three years to put together what will surely be a convention to remember! We are<br />

trying to get back to some of the convention staples that might be fond memories for you. If you<br />

see a staff member, please thank them for volunteering and helping out the convention and the<br />

NSS.<br />

Landowner relations are very important in this part of the country. Please be courteous and<br />

keep low profiles while on private property. Practice minimum impact on the caves and the cave<br />

owners. Some of the caves you might have visited at a past convention or Cave Capers in this area<br />

may be closed or have special requirements. Please do not assume that you just park and go. Check<br />

out our Cave Kiosk at the campground for information about caving at this convention.<br />

Finally, please remember to cave safe and come back alive. NSS member John Benton recalls<br />

a tip Lewie Lamon gave him 30 years ago about caving, “… caves, yeah, I like to go in ’em … and I<br />

like to come out!”<br />

Welcome “Back Underground in Indiana!”<br />

Dave Haun, NSS 24672 RL FE<br />

2007 Convention Chairman

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