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Theme 12 — Volunteering with assets requires a support infrastructure<br />

Several city councils have introduced infrastructure to encourage voluntarism. The city of Baltimore’s stepUP<br />

program recruits volunteers to supplement the work of city staff. The most relevant element of the program,<br />

Power in Dirt, encourages community groups and organizations to tend or even buy city-owned land (this most<br />

often involves vacant lots with potential as smaller community gardens and spaces). Another example is the city<br />

of Detroit’s Adopt-a-Park scheme in which over 100 of the city’s smaller neighborhood parks have agreed to take<br />

on management of their respective parks’ upkeep, ranging from occasional clean-ups by local businesses and<br />

residents to high-level maintenance and programming by an effective and committed non-profit.<br />

Employment of senior professionals at the heart of local government is a key driver for voluntarism. In<br />

Baltimore, for example, a chief service officer located in the Mayor’s Office liaises with other departments, for<br />

example, with City Housing staff to ensure good online maps of available lots that residents may want to manage<br />

or buy and with Public Works to ensure City water is available for lots that are adopted.<br />

Some local volunteering recruitment and management initiatives have sought to use social networks or have<br />

created such networks as a welcome by-product. Examples of using existing networks include neighborhood<br />

football teams in Detroit that have a community service competition running alongside the city-wide<br />

neighborhood football league. Examples of the latter include Baltimore’s Baby-Boomers and elderly, for whom<br />

there are several programs that encourage volunteering. People get to meet new friends whilst also doing good<br />

things for others.<br />

Several excellent national models for encouraging volunteering have been adopted in the study cities. Baltimore’s<br />

stepUP, mentioned above, was part of the national Cities of Service network that encourages volunteering in<br />

city government service delivery. There are also several locally adopted national models that are of potential<br />

interest, notably Business Volunteers Unlimited that matches managers with non-profit boards and Habitat<br />

for Humanity’s CEO Build that gets CEO’s out into communities to build homes. The national model that is<br />

perhaps most relevant to assets is the non-profit ToolBank, which, through several local affiliates, lends tools and<br />

equipment to non-profit member groups, everything from drills to hoes.<br />

Theme 13 — “Additionality” needs to remain a central concern for asset supporters<br />

The key question for all giving to assets — whether of donations, grants, or volunteered time — is whether it<br />

is increasing. If so, is this additional giving or is it just displacing giving from other good causes? The ideal<br />

scenario, particularly in the context of public spending cuts, is for additional giving whereby members of<br />

the public give more of their absolute disposable income, where there is more foundation grant money being<br />

dispensed and when individuals devote more of their time for volunteering.<br />

Summaries | 18

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