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Figure 2.7: Baltimore compared to other similar cities — total per capita spend on recreation and parks<br />

Includes both capital and revenue spending.<br />

(source: Almaguer 2012 – full citation is in the Raising Awareness bibliography)<br />

#3 — Look to add a human/emotive dimension<br />

It’s not all about numbers. Emotional language figured prominently in the campaigns surrounding the Legacy<br />

Amendment in Minnesota, voters were given a choice between “money language” and “love language.” The<br />

“Vote Yes Minnesota” arts campaign appealed to peoples’ affection for their state with the slogan “Protect the<br />

Minnesota You Love.” By contrast, anti-tax groups made signs emphasizing the tax burden with their “Stop the<br />

$11 Billion Tax Increase: Vote ‘NO’”;<br />

Also in Minnesota, Minneapolis Swims, a small non-profit that has successfully campaigned to secure state<br />

legislature support for a reopened and improved public pool for their inner-city area, encouraged the use of<br />

personal statements; asking local youth to set down their thoughts on why a pool is needed. Figure 2.8 shows<br />

just one of numerous such examples collected by the group. The organization has also used powerful oral and<br />

written accounts from those who have lost loved ones to unintentional drowning, as the area has a high level of<br />

such incidences compared to many other parts of the United States.<br />

14<br />

In 2008, Minnesota’s voters passed the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment (Legacy Amendment) to the Minnesota Constitution to protect drinking water<br />

sources; protect, enhance, and restore wetlands, prairies, forests, and fish, game, and wildlife habitat; preserve arts and cultural heritage; support parks and trails; and<br />

protect, enhance, and restore lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater. The Legacy Amendment increases the state sales tax by three-eighths of 1 percent beginning on<br />

July 1, 2009 and continuing until 2034 (see http://www.legacy.leg.mn/about-funds).<br />

Raising Awareness | 38

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