1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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moral state of their souls, of their creed. Their bodies, their<br />

limbs may not be unclean.<br />

Every kind of thanks belongs to Allahu ta’âlâ by right. I send<br />

my salâms to the pure people whom He has chosen. My<br />

merciful Sir! We can not understand why you sent us Tafsîr-i-<br />

Husainî. This interpretation, in explaining the twenty-ninth âyat<br />

of Sûrat-ut-Tawba, says, “Since disbelievers’ souls and beliefs<br />

are filthy, they are certainly filthy.” Also, savants of the Hanafî<br />

Madhhab explained it in this manner. That is, they said that the<br />

reason why Allahu ta’âlâ declared “Disbelievers are filthy” is<br />

because their hearts, their creeds are filthy. It is written in<br />

Tafsîr-i Husainî that some savants said, “Since disbelievers do<br />

not perform a ghusl (ritual washing) or abstain from najâsat [1] ,<br />

they are foul.” Yet it is not suitable to interpret it in this manner,<br />

for the majority of the Muslims in India today do not avoid<br />

najâsat. Some ignorant Muslims, too, like disbelievers, slight<br />

cleanliness. If not avoiding najâsat caused one to be foul, the<br />

life would become very difficult for Muslims. But, it was<br />

declared: “There is no hardship in Islâm.” Though it is written in<br />

Tafsîr-i Husainî “Abdullah Ibni Abbâs ‘radiy-Allâhu anhumâ’<br />

said that disbelievers’ bodies are foul like dogs” great men of<br />

religion have received much information such as this which<br />

does not conform with what the majority of the other savants<br />

think, and which is not like what everybody understands. Such<br />

expressions should be somehow adapted to what is generally<br />

accepted. How can the skin and the bodies of disbelievers be<br />

foul in light of the fact that our Prophet ate a meal in a Jew’s<br />

home? He cleaned himself with a disbeliever’s water container.<br />

Also, Hadrat ’Umar (Radiyallahu anh) cleaned himself with a<br />

Christian woman’s container. If one claims that these might<br />

have been done before the âyat was revealed, one will have<br />

based this statement on sheer supposition; it should be proven<br />

that the âyat came afterwards. If it can be proven, it still does<br />

not prove that they are foul, dirty or that the things which they<br />

touch will be foul and harâm. At most, it shows that their creed<br />

is foul. A prophet never does something that was harâm or that<br />

would be harâm in his own Sharî’at or in other Sharî’ats. That<br />

[1] Every kind of dirt. In this context, it means the dirt that prevents one from<br />

performing namâz. It will be explained in the third fascicle of <strong>Endless</strong><br />

<strong>Bliss</strong>.<br />

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