1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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‘alaihis-salâm’ is called the father of Hadrat Ya’qûb. Whereas,<br />

he is his uncle. Âzar’s real name was Nâhûr. Nâhûr was<br />

formerly in the righteous religion of his ancestors. When he<br />

became Nimrod’s vizier, he turned into a disbeliever, changing<br />

his faith for the world. Also, Fakhraddîn Râzî and most of the<br />

salaf-i sâlihîn have conveyed that Âzer was an uncle. Zerqânî,<br />

while explaining the book Mawâhib-i ladunniyya, writes the<br />

words, “Those who believe holy books and also historians have<br />

unanimously said that Âzar was an uncle,” by Ibni Hajar-i<br />

Haytamî, as a document. Imâm-i Suyûtî says that Ibnî Abbâs<br />

has communicated that Âzar was not Hadrat Ibrâhîm’s father<br />

and that Hadrat Ibrâhim’s father was Târûh. This word of Ibni<br />

Abbâs has also been communicated by Mujâhid, Ibni Jarîr and<br />

Suddî through documents. Again, it is communicated by Suyûtî,<br />

that also Ibni Munzîr clearly explains in his interpration that Âzar<br />

was an uncle. Imâm-i Suyûtî wrote a booklet communicating<br />

that Rasûlullah’s grandfathers, up to Hadrat Âdam were all<br />

Muslims. Despite this fact, Muhammad bin Ishaq, Dahhâk, and<br />

Kelbî said that Hadrat Ibrâhim’s father was Âzar whose other<br />

name was Târûh. “Ya’qub ‘alaihis-salâm’ had two names, too.<br />

His second name was Isrâil,” they said. Also, mukafil and Ibnî<br />

Habban said that Âzar was the nickname for Hadrat Ibrâhim’s<br />

father, Târûh. As noted by Baghawî, Atâ communicates from<br />

Ibni Abbâs that when Rasûlullah wondered about his parents,<br />

the hundred and nineteenth âyat of Sûrat-ul-Baqara<br />

descended, declaring: “Do not ask about the states of the<br />

inhabitants of Hell!” Yet Ibni Jarîr has stated that this<br />

information was not dependable. If we should say that this<br />

information is true, then Ibni Abbâs communicated his own<br />

supposition. And even if his supposition were true, it is not<br />

explained clearly that his (Rasûlullah’s) parents are in Hell.<br />

Even if they were in Hell, still they could not be said to be<br />

disbelievers, for there will be those Muslims who will go to Hell.<br />

It is declared in a hadîth: “As I am the best of you, so my<br />

father is better than your fathers.” The translation from the<br />

book Tafsîr-i Mazharî is completed here.<br />

It is written in the Al-hazar section of the book Uyûn-ul-<br />

Basâir, “Qadî Abû Bakr Ibnul-Arabî ‘rahmatullâhi aleyh’, one of<br />

the savants of the Mâlikî madhhab, said that he who said that<br />

Rasûlullah’s parents were in Hell would become accursed.<br />

Every Muslim has to abstain from saying something that will<br />

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