1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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seen, it is an ’ibâda to make preparations for jihâd. Our Prophet<br />

(sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam) said that jihâd against the<br />

enemies of Islâm was of two kinds: by actions and by words. It<br />

is fard to learn how to make and use new weapons in<br />

preparation for jihâd by actions. Jihâd is done by the State. It is<br />

fard for the people to join in the jihad by obeying the State laws<br />

and orders. Nowadays, the attacks of our enemies through<br />

publications, motion pictures, radio broadcast and every means<br />

of propaganda – the second kind of war – has tremendously<br />

increased, and it is also a jihâd to stand against the enemies in<br />

this field.<br />

ii) munâkahât, composed of subdivisions, such as marriage,<br />

divorce, alimony and many others [written in detail in our book<br />

Se’âdet-i Ebediyye].<br />

iii) mu’âmalât, composed of many subdivisions, such as<br />

purchase, sale, rent, joint-ownership, interest, inheritance, etc.<br />

iv) ’uqûbât (penal code), composed of five main<br />

subdivisions: qisâs (lex talionis), sirqa (theft), zinâ (fornication<br />

and adultery), qadhf (forgery) and ridda (case of becoming an<br />

apostate).<br />

“It is fard for every Muslim to learn the ’ibâdât section of fiqh<br />

briefly. It is fard kifâya to learn munâkahât and mu’âmalât, in<br />

other words, those who have anything to do with them should<br />

learn them. After ’ilm at-tafsîr, ’ilm al-hadîth and ’ilm al-kalâm,<br />

the most honourable ilm is ’ilm al-fiqh. The folowing six hadîths<br />

will be enough to indicate the honour of fiqh and the faqîh<br />

‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ alaihim ajma’în’:<br />

‘If Allâhu ta’âlâ wants to do a favour for a servant of His,<br />

He makes a faqîh of him.’<br />

‘If a person becomes a faqîh, Allâhu ta’âlâ sends what<br />

he wishes and his sustenance from unexpected sources.’<br />

‘The person about whom Allâhu ta’âlâ says ‘most<br />

superior’ is a faqîh in the religion.’<br />

‘Against Satan, a faqîh is stonger than one thousand<br />

’âbids (those who worship much).’<br />

‘Everything has a pillar to base itself upon. The basic<br />

pillar of the religion is the knowledge of fiqh.’<br />

‘The best and most valuable ’ibâdat is to learn and teach<br />

fiqh.’<br />

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