1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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didn’t recite poems.<br />

Rasûl-i akram (sall-Allahu ’alaihi wa sallam) was born in<br />

Mecca, in the hegira year 571, on the twelfth of the month of<br />

Rabî’ul-awwal, on a Monday night, which coincides with the<br />

twentieth of April, towards morning. Every year, Muslims all<br />

over the world celebrate this night as the Mawlid Kandil.<br />

Everywhere, Rasûlullah is remembered by reciting Mawlid<br />

Qasidas [Eulogy of Mawlid]. The Sultân of Erbil, Abû Sa’îd<br />

Muzaffar-ud-dîn Kukburî bin Zaynaddîn Ali, used to organize<br />

festivals on mawlid nights and used to give gifts and presents.<br />

The beautiful character, benevolence and good deeds of the<br />

sultân is noted in detail in a history book by Ibni Khillîgân, on<br />

the 234th page of Hujjatullâhi ’alal’âlamîn and in a pamphlet<br />

entitled Mawlid-î sharîf by Sayyed ’Abdulhakîm-i Arwâsî.<br />

‘Mawlîd’ means ‘the time of birth.’ ‘Rabî’ul-awwal’ means ‘the<br />

Spring.’ Our Prophet, after he had become the Prophet, used to<br />

lay very much stress on this night every year. The ummat of<br />

each prophet had made the birthday of their prophet a feast<br />

day. And this day is the Muslims’ feast day. It is a day of<br />

pleasure and happiness. When Hadrat Âdam was between soul<br />

and body, he (Muhammad) was the Prophet. Hadrat Âdam and<br />

everything were created for his honour. His blessed name is<br />

written in Islâmic letters on the Arsh, on skies and heavens. His<br />

name Muhammad was given to him by his grandfather,<br />

Abdulmuttalib. He had dreamt that (Muhammad’s) name would<br />

be spread over the world and that everybody would praise and<br />

laud him. ‘Muhammad’ means ‘he who is praised much.’ Hadrat<br />

Jabrâil’s first coming and informing him of his prophethood, his<br />

leaving the city of Mecca for a Hegira, his setting foot in the<br />

village of Kubâ of Medîna-i-munawwara, his leaving Madina for<br />

the conquest of Mecca, and his death all took place on<br />

Mondays. When he was born, it was discovered that his<br />

umbilical cord had been cut and that he had been circumcised.<br />

When he honoured the earth with his presence, he raised his<br />

index finger and prostrated. Angels used to cradle him. He<br />

began talking while yet in the cradle. It is said in the annotation<br />

Zerkânî of Mawâhib, “When they got married, Hadrat Abdullah<br />

was eighteen and Hadrat Âmina was fourteen years old. Hadrat<br />

Âmina passed away when she was twenty. First he was<br />

suckled by his holy mother for nine days, then by Suweyba, a<br />

jariya of Abu Lahab, for a few days. Then, Halîma-i Sa’diyya<br />

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