1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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change your way.” Again, he says, “I have heard Sufyân bin<br />

Uyayna say that Allahu ta’âlâ becomes angry with the person<br />

who attends the funeral of a performer of bid’at until he leaves<br />

the funeral.” Our Prophet declared, “If a person makes up a<br />

bid’at or commits a bid’at, may Allahu ta’âlâ and angels<br />

and all people curse him! Neither the fard nor the<br />

supererogatory worships he performs will be accepted.”<br />

Abdulqâdir-i Geylânî’s words are concluded here.<br />

If the way of the great sufis were to not interfere with<br />

anybody, one of them would not have said, “When the Niqâr,<br />

that is, performing Amr-i ma’rûf and Nahy-i munkar, among the<br />

sufis stops, they are no longer of any use.” Shaikh-ul-Islâm-i<br />

Hirawî Abdullah Ansârî said that Amr-i ma’rûf and Nahy-i<br />

munkar were called Niqâr among the sufis. [It is written in<br />

Nafahât, while telling about the life of Abû Saîd-i Kharrâz, that<br />

the one who said, “when the niqâr stops,” was Abul-Hasan Alî<br />

bin Muhammad Muzayyan.] Those who slander the great sufis<br />

by saying that they did not interfere with anybody, do they not<br />

think why the Qur’ân and hadiths are full of descriptions<br />

describing the rewards and torments in the next world? Will not<br />

the person who believes in the vehement torments that are said<br />

to be prepared for the sinners want to save his Muslim brother<br />

from this danger? If there is a well or a fire in front of a blind<br />

man, or if a person is about to fall into another worldly danger,<br />

they will certainly let him know of it and show him the way to<br />

safety. They will not leave him alone. Then, why should not they<br />

let him know of the torment in the next world, which is more<br />

dismal and more impetuous and endless, and show him the<br />

way to salvation? It means that he who does not let others<br />

know or show them their mistakes does not admit or believe in<br />

the torment in the next world, and does not have îmân in the<br />

day of the Last Judgement.<br />

If Allahu ta’âlâ did not want to interfere with anybody, He<br />

would not have sent prophets, He would not have declared the<br />

Sharî’ats, He would not have invited people to the Islâmic<br />

religion, and He would not have let us know that the other<br />

religions were wrong and aberrant, nor would He have<br />

annihilated those who disbelieved the earlier prophets by<br />

tormenting them. He could have left everybody free and alone;<br />

He could have not commanded anybody to do anything, nor<br />

would He have tormented those who disbelieved Him. Why did<br />

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