1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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in the thirty-first âyat of Sûrat-un-Nûr: “O Believers! You all<br />

repent and ask Allah’s pardon! You can be saved only by<br />

repenting.” He declares in the eighth âyat of Sûrat-ut-Tahrîm,<br />

which is at the end of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Qur’ân<br />

[the Qur’ân consists of thirty chapters equal in page numbers],<br />

“O elite, who have îmân! Return to Allahu ta’âlâ! Repent<br />

sincerely! That is, do not break your repentance! If you<br />

repent in this manner, maybe your Allah will forgive you<br />

and will put you into Paradise, where there are trees and<br />

villas under which water flows.” He declares in the hundred<br />

and twentieth âyat of Sûrat-ul-An’âm, “Abstain from sins,<br />

whether they are evident or secret.” It is fard-i ayn [1] for<br />

everybody to repent for his sins. Nobody can escape<br />

repentance. How can anyone ever escape it, despite the fact<br />

that all Prophets (alaihimussalawâtu wattaslîmât) used to<br />

repent? Muhammad (’alaihi wa alaihimussalawât), who was the<br />

final and the greatest of all, stated: “A curtain [that prevents<br />

divine lights from coming] gets drawn across my heart.<br />

Therefore, I say istighfâr [1] seventy times each day.” If there<br />

are no human rights in the sin which is committed, if it is only<br />

bettween Allah and oneself, e.g. committing adultery, having<br />

alcoholic drinks, listening to musical instruments, looking at nâmahram<br />

women, holding the Qur’ân without having an abdast<br />

(ritual ablution), getting stuck in corrupt beliefs, such as Râfidî,<br />

Wahhabi, and others, one can repent by regretting [what one<br />

has done], by saying istighfâr, and by being ashamed,<br />

embarrassed towards Allahu ta’âlâ and begging His pardon. If<br />

one has omitted one of the fard without an excuse, for<br />

repenting, one has to perform that fard together with all of<br />

these.<br />

[It is said in the book Targîbussalât: “In a hadîth-i sharîf it<br />

was declared: ‘If a person, without any excuse, performs a salât<br />

after its due time, he will be burned in Hell for as long as eighty<br />

huqba. One huqba is eighty years. One year in the Hereafter is<br />

three hundred and sixty days. One day is as long as eighty<br />

[1] Actions, words, and thoughts which Allahu ta’âlâ clearly commands in<br />

the Qur’ân are called farz (or fard). Farz-i-ayn means a farz which is<br />

obligatory for every Muslim. Every Muslims has to carry out the farz-iayn.<br />

Compare: fn (90) on page 205.<br />

[1] To ask Allah’s pardon. To entreat Him for His forgiveness.<br />

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