1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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40 – FOURTH VOLUME, 29th LETTER<br />

This letter was written to Mirzâ Ubaydullah by<br />

Muhammad Ma’thûm. It notes down the necessity of advice<br />

and the importance of jihâd.<br />

Some people suppose that Tasawwuf means to care for<br />

one’s own business, not to interfere with others and not to deal<br />

with anybody. This is not true. This kind of thinking causes the<br />

religion to be wounded. I wonder whom he remembers, when<br />

he talks like this about men of tasawwuf and sofis? If he means<br />

the great men who were attached to Hadrat Abû Bakr Siddîq<br />

‘radiy-Allâhu anh’, (we yould give the answer that) it is written in<br />

their books that the way of these great people was to cling to<br />

the Sunnat-i saniyya [the Sharî’at] and to abstain from bid’ats.<br />

But, Amr-i ma’rûf and Nahy-i munkar and Bughd-i fillâh and<br />

Jihâd-i fîsabîlillah are the sunnats of our Prophet; that is, they<br />

are of the fards and wâjibs of the Sharî’at. [‘Bughd-i fillâh’<br />

means ‘to feel hostility (towards disbelievers) for Allah’s sake,’<br />

and ‘Jihâd-i fîsabîlillâh’ means ‘to struggle for Allah’s sake.’ We<br />

have explained Amr-i ma’rûf and Nahy-i munkar before]. Then,<br />

to abandon Amr-i ma’rûf means to abandon the way of those<br />

great people. As a matter of fact, Imâm-i Muhammad<br />

Bahâaddîn-i Bukhârî ‘quddisa sirruh’, who was one of them,<br />

said, “Our way is to cling to the Urwa-i wusqâ, that is, to follow<br />

the way of Rasûlullah and of his Ashâb.” For this reason, an<br />

insignificant deed on this way gives birth to a great profit. He<br />

who abandons this way falls into great dangers. If tasawwuf<br />

meant that you abandon Amr-i ma’rûf, Muhammad Bahâaddîn-i<br />

Bukhârî ‘quddisa sirruh’ who was one of the chiefs of tasawwuf,<br />

would not have performed Amr-i ma’rûf to his own master,<br />

Sayyed Amîr Kulâl. While it was incompatible with manners to<br />

warn his master, he still did Amr-i ma’rûf. Gathering the savants<br />

of Bukhârâ, he proved in the presence of them all that it was not<br />

acceptable in the Sharî’at to repeat Allahu ta’âlâ’s name loudly,<br />

thus explaining to his master the importance of stopping it.<br />

Being very pious and in love with a true word, his master<br />

admitted it and stopped doing it. Men of tasawwuf wrote<br />

thousands of books in order to communicate the things that will<br />

cause men to attain salvation and those things which will draw<br />

them to annihilation. What are these works of theirs, if not Amr-i<br />

ma’rûf? Khwâja Mu’îniddîn-i Chashtî, one of the great men of<br />

tasawwuf, was told by his master, “The darling’s way is very<br />

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