1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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If a person dreams of Rahmatan-lil-âlamîn ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi<br />

wa sallam’, this person certainly has seen him, for the Devil<br />

cannot disguise himself as him.<br />

Sarwar-i âlam ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’ is now alive in a<br />

life we do not understand. His blessed body never rots. An<br />

angel stays in his tomb and informs him of the prayers which<br />

his Ummat (Muslims) say for him. Between his pulpit and his<br />

blessed tomb is a place called Rawda-i-mutahhara. This place<br />

is one of the gardens of Paradise.<br />

It is one of the greatest and most valuable of worships to<br />

visit his blessed shrine. He said, “My shafâ’at is certain for<br />

him who visits my shrine.”<br />

Sarwar-i âlam ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’ had three<br />

blessed sons and four blessed daughters, eleven blessed<br />

wives, twelve uncles and six paternal aunts.<br />

[In order to deceive youngsters, immoral and indecent<br />

people, the enemies of religion say that the Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu<br />

alaihi wa sallam’ was fond of women and girls, and they<br />

insolently slander him by saying and writing very loathsome<br />

things which become their abominable souls, but of which we<br />

would be ashamed to write in this book of ours. Rasûlullah ‘sall-<br />

Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’ first got married when he was twentyfive<br />

years old; he married Hadrat Khadîja. She was forty years<br />

old and a widow. But she had much property, beauty, wisdom,<br />

knowledge, honour, nobility, chastity and decency. They lived<br />

together for twenty-five years, and she passed away three<br />

years before the Hegira in the month of Ramadân in Mecca.<br />

When she was alive, Rasûlullah (sall-Allahu ’alaihi wa sallam)<br />

never married another.<br />

Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’, secondly, married<br />

Hadrat Âisha ‘radiy-Allâhu anha’, Hadrat Abû Bakr’s daughter,<br />

when he was fifty-five years old. He took her under his nikâh<br />

[religious betrothal in Islâm] one year after Hadrat Hadîja’s<br />

death, with the command of Allahu ta’âlâ, and lived with her for<br />

eight years, until he died.<br />

He married all the others after marrying Hadrat Âisha ‘radiy-<br />

Allâhu anhunna’ and did so either for religious or political<br />

reasons or out of mercy or as a blessing. All these women were<br />

widows. Most of them were old. For example, when the Meccan<br />

disbelievers’ persecution and harm to the Muslims had become<br />

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