1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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soul. These words of theirs are wrong. Moreover, why should<br />

the soul pass into another body after reaching perfection? Why<br />

should the person who has reached perfection pass into young<br />

bodies for watching and enjoying the world? The soul that has<br />

reached perfection would not want to enter a body; on the<br />

contrary, such a soul would avoid another incarnation: the<br />

purpose of a soul entering a body has been achieved and<br />

perfection has been attained. Moreover, in the soul’s<br />

transmigration the first body dies and the second body comes<br />

to life. However, the first body has to be rewarded or tormented<br />

in the grave. If the second body comes back to life it means that<br />

for that body the end of the world has come while in the world<br />

and it has been judged in the world. I do not know if those who<br />

believe in transmigration believe in the torment of the grave and<br />

the day of the Last Judgment? It is a pity, these disbelievers<br />

have counted themselves among religious men and have<br />

attempted to teach Islâm to people through their books and<br />

magazines. They are trying to make youngsters irreligious like<br />

themselves. O our Allah, protect us from believing such writings<br />

and from going wrong! Do not separate us from our dear<br />

religion, from our valuable îmân! Only Thou can protect one<br />

from disbelief and aberration!<br />

Appendix: By the way, let me give some information about<br />

âlam-i mithâl. Âlam-i mithâl is the largest of all the classes of<br />

beings. Each of all the things in all the classes of beings has a<br />

copy, an appearance, in âlam-i mithâl. Also, each of the things,<br />

meanings, and thoughts that occur to mind and imagination has<br />

a copy in that âlam. Our savants said that Allahu ta’âlâ does not<br />

have an equivalent, a likeness, but He has an example. To his<br />

poor person, as I have written in my letters, as He does not<br />

have a mithl in the grade of perfect tenzîh, the Divine Person<br />

(Allah Himself) does not have an example, either. The âyat-ikerîma<br />

which purports, “Do not give examples concerning<br />

Allâhu ta’âlâ,” in Nahl sûra, implies this grade. Man is called<br />

“Âlam-i saghîr.” Everything in âlam-i kabîr has a copy in man.<br />

And the copy of âlam-i mikhâl in âlam-i saghîr is man’s<br />

imagination. For everything has a copy in our imagination. Also,<br />

each of the states or grades of the devotees making progress in<br />

the way of tasawwuf has a copy in the imagination. It is the<br />

imagination which informs the devotees about their states. If it<br />

weren’t for the imagination, or if the imagination did not do its<br />

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