1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık

1 - Endless Bliss - Hüseyin Hilmi Işık


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experimentation and the intellect. That is, the building of Islâm<br />

has been erected upon these two principles. All other worships,<br />

blessings, and forms of obedience are the branches and twigs<br />

of this tree of îmân. Allahu ta’âlâ in many places of Qur’ân alkerîm,<br />

scolds and disgraces disbelievers because they didn’t<br />

use their minds; they didn’t think by observing the earth, the<br />

skies and themselves, and thus attain îmân. The book<br />

Ma’rifatnâme writes, “Sayyed Sharîf Jurjânî, a great Islâmic<br />

scholar, says that the knowledge of astronomy helps a wise<br />

and reasonable person to realize the existence of Allahu ta’âlâ.<br />

Imâm-ı Ghazâlî says that he who does not know astronomy and<br />

anatomy cannot realize Allah’s existence.”<br />

Yes, the righteous religion of Hadrat Îsâ (Jesus) was<br />

changed insidiously in a short time by his enemies. A Jew<br />

named Paul claimed that he believed ’Îsâ, and it appeared as if<br />

he was spreading the religion of ’Îsâ ‘alaihissalâm’. However,<br />

he annihilated the Injîl, which descended from heaven. Later<br />

four people appeared, and they put in writing what they had<br />

heard from the twelve apostles. Thus four books in the name of<br />

the Bible were compiled, but the lies of Paul were included in<br />

them. In addition, although an apostle named Barnabas<br />

correctly recorded what he had heard and seen from hadrat<br />

’Îsâ, this Bible by Barnabas was also destroyed. In the course<br />

of time, the number of Injils increased and made-up and<br />

different Bibles were read at various places. Constantine the<br />

Great, formerly a pagan, accepted Christianity, and after<br />

enlarging and improving the city, he gave it the name<br />

Constantinople (now known as Istanbul). In the year 325 A.D.<br />

he convened three hundred and nineteen priests in Nicea,<br />

ordered all the Bibles to be united and a new Bible to be written,<br />

having many articles of paganism from his former religion<br />

inserted into it. Accepting Christmas Day as the beginning of<br />

the year, he established a new Christian religion. It was<br />

declared in the Injîl (the real Bible) of Hadrat ’Îsâ and in the<br />

Bible written by Barnabas that Allah is one. Yet, because they<br />

did not have the original Injîl, the idea of the Trinity put forward<br />

by Plato, whom they esteemed as a philosopher, was included<br />

in these four defiled books. Constantine had this idea of Trinity<br />

put into the new Bible together with many fabled writings. A<br />

priest named Arius said that this new Bible was wrong, that<br />

Allah is one, that Hadrat ’Îsâ was not His son but His born<br />

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